

  • hi i joined on wednesday it is brilliant and makes you so motivated just burned over 600 calories on a walk with toddler in backpack felt brilliant adding that i want to do it again. best of luck on your journey to success add me as a friend for support if you want
  • hi may i join the group too. my children are 6 4 and 1 (last week) and it hit me on my baby's birthday that i was the same weight now as when i was 9 months pregnant - something seriously wrong there. my husband is fairly supportive ( this time) but he has a lot to take in as i have only just admitted how serious my binge…
  • hi i only joined yesterday and have become slightly obsessed already i will add you as a friend and we can help each other out. best of luck and hopefully it will be us with the amazing success stories soon.
  • ive just joined today but best of luck and add me if u want ( i dont know how yet)
  • hi i have only joined today but the first thing i did was search to see if there were any posts related to binge-eating. i could have written everything that has been said myself. About 2 months ago a friend opened my eyes to the fact that i have binge-eating disorder i did some research and could answer yes to every…