@Little Dumplin Absolutely not, I love the humor! (I was too late!) And no, you dont need to, either! :)
I just turned 31, but people often think I am in my early 20's. I'll take it! :p
I think that's a great pic of you, so I'd have to say no, dont change it! :)
I would love to find mine back there, eventually! :p
You look really happy! lol
I only have one, which I designed myself. I love it so much! Even though it's on my back and I rarely see it, everytime I happen to see it in a mirror or in pictures, I get positively delighted, thats how much I love it. :) I plan on getting some peacock feathers in the near future, still looking for an artist! My ink girl…
I read the first book and part of the second. I could not be more disappointed with this piece of literary drivel. It was poorly written and the characters were unbelievable (even laughable). Im all for people looking more into BDSM, it's a fascinating world and I encourage it. But dont read this book and consider it to be…
I think we've found the problem right here... You are insecure, and actually think he would prefer those girls over you?! Talk to him about your insecurities, so he can tell you that it's not even close to being the case. But he can reassure you and try and make you see the truth of the matter, but none of that will make…
9, what beautiful eyes you have!
So much this! Im not a man, but Im a sex-positive woman who doesnt mind if her man watches porn (alone, or with me!). I feel like so many women have irrational feelings about porn, it drives me crazy.
Im not in Australia (California here!) but I am all about encouragement! You're going to do great! <3