

  • Is there anyone who thinks positive about my plans?
  • I suggest making your own recipes in MFP for everything using only ingredients that fully list all vitamins and minerals especially if your not just on a calorie deficit diet. It's a little more time consuming but so worth the correct information.
  • Why not? I'm stationed for the next three weeks in an amazing little town where I have no bad influences. I'm surrounded by like minded people who are interested in fitness and wellness. Not to mention my food expenses are around $6 a day. What better time to give up harmful substances like sugar and refined carbs? The…
  • I've already been to Vietnam. I've literally been living the life of a carbolic. I don't overly care for rice or rice noodles but the Asian food culture is largely bAsed around these items. Bread is my carb of choice and due to my lack of appetite I have zero cravings. I haven't tried the fish cakes but perhaps will give…
  • I do think I am in ketosis. Loss of appetite, constant urinating, insatiable thirst and yes, lower energy. I'm hoping it's all cleared up really soon haha. I think the coffee gives me quite a bit of energy and I do have a few modifications of curries. Red green yellow. Also fish and veggie dishes. Meat on sticks seem…