I am so glad to have found this topic! ::waves:: Hello, my name is Kat and am a 30 year old ADD momma of 3 kiddos who have ADHD (Both hyper active (my twins) and inattentive (my 13 year old). I was just diagnosed in February, and have just recently started taking Ritalin. Let me tell you, the only thing I do not like about…
Great job!!!
Thank you all for your input!! I am thinking that I am going to wait a week, and start the DVD's with a friend of mine who is waiting for hers in the mail. I am pretty excited about the new me to come!!
Oh my, Oh my!! I just stumbled upon this thread and I am SOOOO glad that I did!! Thank you to everyone who has contributed!!
Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I am looking forward to staying on my journey!!