Turbo Fire

Hello all! I think I am going to start Turbo Fire. I have it sitting here, I have just not made the commitment to getting it started yet.

I want to know what your pros and cons have been with this program? I need honest feedback. I have many beachbody friends who swear by their products (obviously), but I want to hear from non beachbody coaches. What do you think about the program?


  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I LOVE the program in as far as it's fun, gets my HR up, and I love Chalene. I didn't get any real results until the HIIT month(s), but that was when I combined it with ChaLean Extreme for heavy lifting. Of course, I only also saw results when I was really watching my calorie intake as well. I think if you watch your calories, eat back at least most of your calories, and stick with the schedule, you will see results.

    BTW, I am not a BB coach. I just love Chalene's products.
  • KarrieLynn81
    KarrieLynn81 Posts: 41 Member
    I just started the program almost to week 3 now. I have to say at first I hated it! I couldn't keep up with how fast she was going and I was very discouraged. Even the New To Class was hard for me. But as the days went on and I kept on doing it I am finally starting to catch on to all the moves. I didn't see much loss the first week and haven't weight myself for the 2nd week yet (Monday is weigh in for me). It is very hard but they have a person who shows you how to make the moves a little more simpler especially if you are just starting out. I still can't jump or do the jacks but I'm working up to it. I will say though she pushes you through the whole the program and don't be afraid to stop and take a rest if you have too and get some water. Hope that helps. Good luck!!
  • jlebert716
    jlebert716 Posts: 92 Member
    I love TF! Its so much fun and Chalene is wonderful. It does take a couple times with each workout to learn how she calls the moves out and what they are but once you do its makes the workouts even more fun. On another note I really dont like the sculpt and toning workouts, Id rather do other types of weight lifting.
  • smccb
    smccb Posts: 99 Member
    The workouts are a little bit confusing and frustrating at first if you are as uncoordinated as I am. But it doesn't take long to get the moves down, and the moves are repeated throughout the different classes, so you become very familiar with them very quickly. The New to Class sections help a lot.

    That is the only con. The pro is that the workouts are fun and engaging. Chalene is super motivating. I went from dreading workouts to loving them!

    The results: I am just starting week nine. I am 5'3" and was 135 lbs with a 32 in waist starting out. I had tried running, Jillian Michaels, and several other workout DVDs without seeing the scale (or inches) move for months. I tried Turbo Fire and I am now 120 lbs with a 28 inch waist and have never been so toned in my arms, legs and abs in my life!

    I do have to make sure I am eating enough if I want the fat to melt off. I find the days I under eat, I don't lose much, but when I eat well, it just melts away. I am nursing too though so I really have to up the calorie intake for that.

    My best friend saw my results and just started it. Within a week and a half she had lost 7 lbs and three inches around her waist, hips, and bust. So it really does work, and work quickly! I am still in shock!

    Do be sure to take your measurements and not just go by the scale. Both my friend and I found that the inches came off first, then the weight followed.

    You won't regret it!!!!!!!

    It seriously is fabulous.
  • mommakitten3
    Thank you all for your input!!

    I am thinking that I am going to wait a week, and start the DVD's with a friend of mine who is waiting for hers in the mail. I am pretty excited about the new me to come!!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    if you have bad knees or ankles, just make sure you use good form. there is a lot of jumping and twisting. listen to her when she says to stay on the balls of your feet.

    and ditto the eating enough. this past week i had no appetite and had a hard time getting my calories, didn't eat over into exercise calories either. i ended up NOT losing inches in my bust, waist and hips. i DID lose inches in both thighs though. this week i am going to be sure to eat more.

    it's a great work out program. and once you get the choreography down you'll be fine!!! just do "new to class" a whole bunch of times ;-)

    good luck!!!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Not a beachbody coach and it was my first program from them. I started turbofire over a year ago. I LOVE IT. it's deff. hard to some extent, but after a year, (well before then too) you can tell see so much progression in your endurance and strength.

    do not be afraid to modify the moves, this is what that girl is for, you will get an awesome workout at a lower impact, high intensity.

    i like the music, Chalene Johnson is an awesome teacher

    I would buy it all over again

    I did not do the entire program all the way through because I do other things as well

    but I still incorporate it into my routine. like i did one of the cardio dvds yesterday

    great investment & then I bought Chalene Extreme, also very good
  • debush1
    debush1 Posts: 16 Member
    I have every product from Beachbody with Chalene's name attached....:laugh:

    I started out with Turbo Jam, then bought the Chalean Extreme and now Turbo Fire.

    Her workouts are always so fun and get you pumped up. She makes them fun. My problem is commitment...I do well for a week or two and then always, faithfully always, QUIT!

    I have finally decided to try, try again and have set myself a goal of May 18th (going away for my daughter who has entered a Fitness Modeling competition).

    Can't wait to feel commited enough to buy the Bonus CD's for both Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire. Those are my rewards!

    Cheers to all.....:drinker:
  • allisonmrichard
    allisonmrichard Posts: 64 Member
    Yep, it does take a little bit to learn the routines. But even if you're only kind of getting the moves right, as long as you are moving at the same rate and speed as she is then TRUST ME...you will be getting a workout anyway! If you're looking for intense AND fun cardio (a rare combo) then TurboFire will be great for you. :)
  • debush1
    debush1 Posts: 16 Member
    An additional note...

    If you have access to Turbo Jam, you might want to start out with that series as Chalene uses the same signature moves, but they aren't as fast or intense. It's a good way to get the moves down at a pace you can keep up with, and then graduate to Turbo Fire when you feel ready to tackle the moves at a faster pace.

    Just a thought....
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    ok, so what would be a good started one? the only dvd i have done is 30ds. Also how long are they?
  • valerietoxii
    valerietoxii Posts: 93 Member
    I reallllly really really wanted to like it, but I was a total beginner to kickboxing and all that jazz. Honestly, I would just flail my arms and legs around like an idiot for 5 minutes, then give up. She just goes so fast and I really couldn't grasp what in the world she was doing.
    I actually just started a boot camp for kickboxing and I am loving it. I will give Turbo Fire another shot when I feel a little more comfortable with the moves. Good luck!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    that's good to know, i will be the same :(