And I ban myself cause I don't have a picture of myself that I like
You're banned because of the shame
Don't get me wrong, i like being 48 but not what I am
I'm tired of feeling worthless, I'm tired of not liking g who i am, I'm 48 and old, and it hurts badly
OMG I have blown it big time and really who cares at one.......cause I keep it quiet, otherwise no support.....then no support now........sheeeeeeeet............. its really hard...............had a tough day with school kids and teachers..............longing for my needs to fullfilled..........piped…
You didnt blow it because you knew that you consumed too much cals. Thats better than not knowing. Just get back on track tomorrow. Sometimes we need to fall off the rails to realise that we have learnt something! javascript:add_smiley('smile','post_body')
That is absolutely fantastic! Congratulations and every success for the future!
Hi all! I have just joined today. After "killing" myself on the treadmill and not shedding any weight for the last couple of weeks I figure I must be still eating and drinking tooo many calories. I decided I needed an eating diary to see what I am doing wrong. Congrats to everyone for taking an interest in their health.…