

  • Oh and good luck with your goal, I'm also about to hit 40 in January so I'm pretty much on the same mission.....Here's hoping it doesn't hurt!
  • Hi there Depending on how strict a vegetarian you are, many of the whey powders aren't vegetarian since they use animal rennet to make it. I wouldn't use whey powder unless I was 100% sure it was veggie. The other alternative is soy protein isolate powder which you can get pretty easily from health food shops or over the…
  • Honestly I would say none. I've tried pretty much everything out there and nothing works except eating less and doing more. I know it's rubbish to hear, I too am waiting for magic cholocate that boosts my metabolism and helps me shed those extra pounds.... maybe one day... Sadly in the interim because weight loss is such…
  • Have a great time, some top tips there so I won't add to them but be cautious the next day.. For me it's the hangover hunger that kills me. All I want are crisps, irn bru and cheese, not necessarily at the same time I might add! You could plan in a healthy breakfast followed by a good workout to get rid of the hangover.…
  • Hello I've just started on here and have been an ovo lacto vegetarian for 10 years. I'd love anyone similar minded to add me to their friends list - be great to swap some recipies and tips!! Cheers all