

  • Ohh! I can so relate! I remember a time not long ago when I was around 150 lbs (I'm now @ 183), whenever I made a comment about going on a diet or losing weight people would look at me like I was nuts and tell me I didn't need to lose any weight. It was so frustrating to know I needed to lose a few pounds, for a heathier…
  • Nothing is wrong with you! When I signed up for this website the standard was to loose 1 pound per week. If you did not change this then you are right on track. Keep up the great work!!!! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Since I began (1-7-09) this is the first day I was under caleries!!!! I'm so excited!!!! I have 20 more caleries I can eat, but I'm done for today. I had a huge plate of stir fry veggies and rice for dinner that filled me up, but didn't add up the caleries. :happy:
  • Thanks for your warm welcome! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
    in Newbie Comment by lmwhalen1 January 2009
  • I just wanted to introduce myself. I started yesterday and was totally shocked by how much food/caleries I ate in just one day! I'm hoping that as I keep track I will make better food choices and remeber to get off the couch and excercise :laugh:
    in Newbie Comment by lmwhalen1 January 2009