

  • I have tried these (2 meals replacements) and did loose a few kg quite quickly only to put it back on when re-introducing 2 meals again. I believe (and been told by trainers) they are not good for assisting to increase your metoblic rate over the longer term, which fresh food will do if we know what to eat and when to eat…
  • Here I am again a week later. 300g later - not great but at least not heavier. Still aiming for 65kg for Xmas. No vino tonight either!:ohwell:
  • Goal weight 65 kg by 24th December. Weighed in today at 69kg, 1 already down from last week, simply cutting back on the vino as did little exercise so good result. Good luck to all, will post update, next Monday happy eating and excercising one and all xxx
  • Tomorrow is "D" day, count me in!
  • Your goal is very realistic. I will join you and hope I can stay motivated. For me food is not the problem it is the empty calories in the amount of alochol I consume over the course of each weekend after a very exhausting week trying to engage Gen Y to listen to me while they are in classes at uni :drinker:
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