
Has anyone ever tried to do the Slim-fast diet where you substitute two of your meals with a Slim-fast product? Would you recommend it? How easy/difficult was it to stick to?
Thanks :)


  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I don't want to drink a bunch of sweet crap in place of eating actual food. I don't even know what's in those but I'm willing to bet it's not great for you. Wouldn't you be constantly hungry? I vote for just eating whole foods.
  • bigbugboo
    Mmmmmm......let's see. I tried that, it was pretty boring after the novelty wore off, worked out more money than buying wholesome foods, and taught me nothing about healthy eating and nutrition.

    I'd recommend doing it the old fashioned way of eating healthily combined with exercise, and view it as a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix.

    Best wishes on your journey :happy:
  • BicepsBrachii
    Sugary waste of money. Remain in a calorie deficit, hit your macros, and you will succeed
  • ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥
    ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥ Posts: 267 Member
    Has anyone ever tried to do the Slim-fast diet where you substitute two of your meals with a Slim-fast product? Would you recommend it? How easy/difficult was it to stick to?
    Thanks :)

    I tried it but couldn't stick to it. I prefer solid foods instead of yucky drinks.
  • megteacher
    I have tried these (2 meals replacements) and did loose a few kg quite quickly only to put it back on when re-introducing 2 meals again. I believe (and been told by trainers) they are not good for assisting to increase your metoblic rate over the longer term, which fresh food will do if we know what to eat and when to eat it:indifferent:
  • Rain_Howard
    Have you tasted that crap? Seriously. Try it, you'll answer your own question. And take a good look at the ingredients.
  • lorimur
    i have not used it as a diet plan for years....I use it now as a supplement to boost up my calorie intake when no time to sit down for a meal.
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    I didn't try SlimFast, but what I did try was Herbalife. Their shakes are amazing and delicious plus taking some vitamin supplements helped me not to be hungry anymore. I lost about 5 kilograms in 1 month, but then because it is rather expensive I didn't stick to it. Anyway, it did help, my opinion. I shake will last you one month.

    After you finish, you will have to do a maintainance programme, where you will only replace your breakfast meal with a shake and maintain your current weight. Hope this helps, hun!
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    To be permanently maintainable, this is supposed to be a lifestyle change, not a diet. I don't want to have to spend ridiculous amounts of money drinking shakes for the rest of my life. Drinking the shakes does not teach you how to eat.
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    To be permanently maintainable, this is supposed to be a lifestyle change, not a diet. I don't want to have to spend ridiculous amounts of money drinking shakes for the rest of my life. Drinking the shakes does not teach you how to eat.

    You are right. Although, I have to say, seeing the fat melt off me so quickly definitely gave me the boost and push I so much needed. It did help me at the beggining. It's a quick fix, although if you are smart you can use this kick to maintain yourself with healthy eating and a bit of exercise too.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Has anyone ever tried to do the Slim-fast diet where you substitute two of your meals with a Slim-fast product? Would you recommend it? How easy/difficult was it to stick to?
    Thanks :)
    I did Slim Fast about 10 yrs ago now and I did lose weight, but as has been pointed out, it doesn't promote sensible eating and as soon as you stop you may possibly gain all the weight back.

    Also, when I did Slim Fast I didn't realise that as a man, I should have been talking 2 shakes in the morning and/or lunch... so it's no wonder I lost a lot of weight as I was on 1000kc a day :laugh:

    I think if you are a few lbs overweight and you need to drop a dress size for an event (wedding, birthday, etc) then Diets like Slim Fast that are easy to follow can help you get the necessary result. But they are short-term fixes and should not be used over a long period as you'd have to have an iron will and similar constitution to live on 1200 KC for the rest of your days drinking only shakes and having a smallish evening meal.

    How easy is it to stick to? Well that depends on how much will power you have. Yes you can vary your evening meal, but I found after a while I got bored or just having a milkshake and soup and it wasn't very filling. However, don't waste money on their expensive lunch snacks - a tin of any soup has fewer calories and is generally much tastier :tongue:
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    To be permanently maintainable, this is supposed to be a lifestyle change, not a diet. I don't want to have to spend ridiculous amounts of money drinking shakes for the rest of my life. Drinking the shakes does not teach you how to eat.

    You are right. Although, I have to say, seeing the fat melt off me so quickly definitely gave me the boost and push I so much needed. It did help me at the beggining. It's a quick fix, although if you are smart you can use this kick to maintain yourself with healthy eating and a bit of exercise too.

    I can understand that, but I've lost 44.4 pounds in 11 weeks with 17.8 pounds of that being in the first 3 weeks. Granted, even though everyone is different, "seeing the fat melt off so quickly" can also be done without shakes.
  • jmgcummins
    jmgcummins Posts: 93 Member
    I used slim-fast a few years ago to lose 10-15 pounds. I didn't mind the taste, and didn't have trouble sticking to it for about a month. I used it as a jump start, that combined with exercising every day helped me see results, and I kept the weight off.

    The important things is you have to learn how to eat after, so the weight doesn't creep back on. If you use it to lose 15 pounds, and then go back to eating the same old crap you were, you will gain the weight back in no time.

    I am using it again now, to jump start a little weight loss after having a baby last year (and gaining 60 pounds while pregnant, yikes!).
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Look at the ingredients. It's basically canola oil and sugar.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Has anyone ever tried to do the Slim-fast diet where you substitute two of your meals with a Slim-fast product? Would you recommend it? How easy/difficult was it to stick to?
    Thanks :)

    Wow a crap load of judgemental people here. Losing weight works differently for everyone is all I have to say to them.

    In answer to your question, yes I tried slim-fast when I really stuck to it I dropped 12-15lbs in a little over a month. I didn't stick to it hardcore, some days I would have a lean cuisine or other low calorie lunch and then have a regular dinner. I probably did that three-four days a week. I also didn't work out much during this time because I was always working.

    I am back on slim-fast. I mix up shakes and meal bars, I get luna bars or special k bars to add variety. Or some mornings I'll have special k cereal for breakfast. Or I'll mix it up and have a small 200 calorie lunch like tuna or something. I don't do their snack bars. I will do a fiberplus bar if I do a snack bar because it has 9g of fiber. I usually have fruit as a snack and usually skip the mid morning snack because I don't get hungry enough to want it so I add those calories to lunch or dinner. I am also working out doing Jillian Micheals Ripped in 30 and mixing in some other work out videos.

    My favorite shakes are strawberry and vanilla, chocolate royale and cappichino are good too, If you have a sam's club you can buy a variety pack, or order it online through the slimfast facebook page or amazon. I'll probably pick up the one at sam's when I run out.

    In addition to losing weight I also dramatically lowered my blood pressure :)

    When you hit your goal weight slim-fast reccomends only replacing one meal a day with one of their products and then having 2 sensible meals a day and 3 snacks. Doesn't sound hard to me.
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    you'll probably lose weight but seriously, the things are just canned processed crap. they have like what 20g of sugar? and that ingredients list is LONG! i wouldn't do it if i were you, they cant be good for you and i prefer to chew my food and get that satisfaction:tongue:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    Not impressed. 190 calories. Probably cutting your meal calories by 1/3. That's why you lose weight.

    If you consider they list the ingredient list in order of concentration:


    If you are going to do this, why not do it with a whey protein shake instead?
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    you'll probably lose weight but seriously, the things are just canned processed crap. they have like what 20g of sugar? and that ingredients list is LONG! i wouldn't do it if i were you, they cant be good for you and i prefer to chew my food and get that satisfaction:tongue:

    highly doubt everything you eat is not processed at all lmao
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I am on shakes and I disagree with most of the above posts! I understand the principles of healthy eating, calorie deficit and so on.. It's just much easier to maintain a calorie deficit with meal replacement shakes! If I ever got bored of it, I'd have a salad or something for lunch instead.. If you do the shakes but don't learn how to eat healthily that's an entirely different story. But if you are just looking for an easy way to maintain a deficit and you don't mind having the same thing for breakfast and lunch I say go for it. There is always dinner for the food part, and snacks and so on.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I've done it in the past, but I used the ready prepared cans rather than the powder - I did lose 28lbs but it took me about a year.

    It was a handy diet for me as at that time I was travelling a lot for work, so it was easy to just drink it as I was travelling.

    It's OK for a quick fix but for long term its expensive and does get rather boring. I now count calories and am having much better results.