


  • I tried their snack bars once, the mint chocolate flavor and it was delicious.

    Slim-fast will work because you will be at a calorie deficit. Eating less calories than you are burning will always result in a weight loss. The biggest problem with Slim-fast is that when you are off the shakes it will be difficult to figure out how to eat healthy and not gain the weight back. If you decide to skip the "fad" diet and learn better eating habits and simply eat less I would guess that you'll have a better chance for long term success and not just a quick weight drop in weight.

    If you want to try it, go for it. It works for some people and it could work for you. But it's important to learn healthy eating habits along the way as well.
  • I did slim fast, but didn't do the 321 program. I just replaced breakfast with a shake and used the bars as snacks so I wouldn't get too hungry and binge on my next meal. I still use a slimfast bar daily and I have lost 58 lbs. I have tried to incorporate better foods in my diet now so I just used it as a transition to get me down to the correct calorie levels. I think it was great and I love the cookie dough bars. They taste great and hold me over until my next meal.

    Now I eat 350 cal for breakfast, 2-200 calorie snacks (ione being a slim-fast bar), lunch is usually around 400 calories and that leaves about 600 calories for dinner. THis has worked for me and I have maintained my loss since I started back in January.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Look up Whole Living Smoothies.
    they are WAY healthier for you and are intended as a meal replacement.
    Slim Fast = MEH!
    For instance

    Mango Macadamia Nut Smoothie
    1 1.5 cups of frozen mango
    1/2 cup of Silk almond milk
    1 cup orange juice
    1/2 cup macadamia nuts

    Calories 336
    fat 19g
    Sat Fat 3g
    Carbs 42g
    Sugar 32g
    Protein 6g
    Fiber 5g

    Great GI for the drink and it really fills you up.

    whole Living Smoothies also have an iPhone app for easy use.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    yes, but ick.

    so unhealthy.

    too much sugar.


    tasted great, but garbage for the body. it's not even refrigerated what does that say? there are MUCH better similar products out there. look for a well rounded product with balanced nutrition, fiber, whole ingredients, etc.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Look up Whole Living Smoothies.
    they are WAY healthier for you and are intended as a meal replacement.
    Slim Fast = MEH!
    For instance

    Mango Macadamia Nut Smoothie
    1 1.5 cups of frozen mango
    1/2 cup of Silk almond milk
    1 cup orange juice
    1/2 cup macadamia nuts

    Calories 336
    fat 19g
    Sat Fat 3g
    Carbs 42g
    Sugar 32g
    Protein 6g
    Fiber 5g

    Great GI for the drink and it really fills you up.

    whole Living Smoothies also have an iPhone app for easy use.

    How much are those? Doesn't seem all the diff from a Whey protein shake(except the whey would have way less sugar and way more protein). Only 6g of protien but 42 g of carbs and 32 g of sugar!?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    It's one of the tastier ones and honestly most ppl on these forums are more apt to buy an app with 60 different shakes as opposed to a 5lb jug of ON gold standard.

    I love Whey and drink 2 shakes a day but before I was educated on Whey I avoided it!
    Know what I mean?

    A regular shake for me?
    2 scoops ON gold standard whey vanilla
    1/4 cup blueberries
    1/4 cup strawberries
    1 banana
    1/2 cup vanilla almond milk

  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    Look at the back of a slimfast, all it is skim milk plus a bunch of added stuff that people can't say. Eat REAL food. Fruit, vegetables, legumes, dairy, nuts, meat (if not vegan/vegetarian), etc. You WILL succeed if you eat right and in moderation. Doing the slimfast thing may work for awhile, but do you really want to drink all day?

    If drinking is easier for you, do smoothies/protein shakes, don't buy that slimfast stuff, it's not good for you. Whole food is better. :D
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Look at the back of a slimfast, all it is skim milk plus a bunch of added stuff that people can't say. Eat REAL food. Fruit, vegetables, legumes, dairy, nuts, meat (if not vegan/vegetarian), etc. You WILL succeed if you eat right and in moderation. Doing the slimfast thing may work for awhile, but do you really want to drink all day?

    If drinking is easier for you, do smoothies/protein shakes, don't buy that slimfast stuff, it's not good for you. Whole food is better. :D

    cook for us and we'll have real food kay thanx!
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    A girl at work has been drinking the slim fast with skim milk every day for breakfast and lunch with an apple each time. She has lost quite a bit of weight, but I can't wrap my head around why she would 'torture' herself with liquid meals, rather than just eating something healthy instead.

    If I were you, I'd focus on nutritional, well balanced meals, rather than that stuff.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    Look at the back of a slimfast, all it is skim milk plus a bunch of added stuff that people can't say. Eat REAL food. Fruit, vegetables, legumes, dairy, nuts, meat (if not vegan/vegetarian), etc. You WILL succeed if you eat right and in moderation. Doing the slimfast thing may work for awhile, but do you really want to drink all day?

    If drinking is easier for you, do smoothies/protein shakes, don't buy that slimfast stuff, it's not good for you. Whole food is better. :D

    cook for us and we'll have real food kay thanx!

    I cook for people at school, my family, and myself. I guess I could cook for ya'll too! Cooking is simple! :D

    What I meant by REAL food is whole fruits, vegetables, etc instead of liquid. Kay?
  • turbochris
    turbochris Posts: 15 Member
    I am on shakes and I disagree with most of the above posts! I understand the principles of healthy eating, calorie deficit and so on.. It's just much easier to maintain a calorie deficit with meal replacement shakes! If I ever got bored of it, I'd have a salad or something for lunch instead.. If you do the shakes but don't learn how to eat healthily that's an entirely different story. But if you are just looking for an easy way to maintain a deficit and you don't mind having the same thing for breakfast and lunch I say go for it. There is always dinner for the food part, and snacks and so on.

    I agree, I did slimfast to lose my first 80 pounds or so. I had one for breakfast and one for lunch. Cheap, and once your use to it, it becomes routine. I started to go to the gym about 3 months ago and now use Smoothie King Gladiator shake's for replacement meals at lunch as the protein is much much higher (and the extra calories help too for working out). I eat Wheaties or Total for breakfast and have done a complete lifestyle change fitness and eating wise.
  • nighthawke
    nighthawke Posts: 45 Member
    Has anyone ever tried to do the Slim-fast diet where you substitute two of your meals with a Slim-fast product? Would you recommend it? How easy/difficult was it to stick to?
    Thanks :)


    I did slim fast the first time I lost weight. I lost about 130lbs in 6 months, as soon as I stopped drinking the slim fast I gained a LOT of the weight back.

    Granted there were other variables to the above equation, but the thing about slim fast is you're not learning to fix the eating habits that got you overweight in the first place.
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