

  • wow thank you everyone. I am shocked to hear all the responses. Thank you. I am working so I will let you know what happens :-)
  • I am sure I was eating alot more then 1200 thats for sure. I would eat tacos, burgers, spaghetti, garlic bread, cereal, french toast, pancakes, waffels. I am guessing that maybe I was consuming around 4,000 a day, I really have no idea, what I do know is that I was consuming alot more then I am now. I also would have fast…
  • no soda at all. All I drink now is water, that's it. I have never really been a soda drinker ever.
  • well why am Igaining then? three weeks and all my clothes have gotten tighter to the point I can hardly buckle my pants. It is very depressing when you are working sooooo hard. At least when I ate crap all day I wasn't gaining, I just was not loosing. Now I am eating healthy, counting EVERY calorie, drinking a ton of water…
  • oh, and do you really think that an hour of leisurly swimming will burn 400 calories?
  • her's my thing, I was not hungry until about 11:30. Then I ate at 12. I gelt more hungry after I ate. Is that normal? Now I still feel like I am starving. Like I didn't even eat anything at all. I do have blood sugar issues (low) so when I get hungry, if I don't eat soon, my blood sugars usually seem to drop shortly after.…