Newbie here. Looking for lots of motivation. Please help!!!
please add me... I have not support at home, so where better to make friends to keep you motivated!
I may have created this account months ago... but i failed to use it. Now I am laid off work again, and this time its for real.... any and all motivation will be greatly appreciated.
Hi. My name is Tammi. I've been overweight for like forever. I'm just so done looking in the mirror and not liking what i see. I love taking pictures.... and now i want to love taking pictures of me.
Hello all. My friend introduced me to this site, I've tried a few other sites in the past but never found what i was looking for. So hopefully this is it, now I just have to remember to come here. I've always had an issue with my weight... we just don't get along. And it's not like I eating unhealthy... because my dad is a…