

  • Maybe the quick weight gain could be something like the sodium in the processed food (Chow mein?).
  • Is it too late for me to join? I really need a team. We've been reno'ing and my 14 year old daughter has been in charge of meals... need I say more? Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I also went away because it was discouraging. When I decided it was time to try again, I tried a different focus. I weighed in once (only had gained back a couple of pounds of the scant few that I lost originally). I focused on eating things that I learned were good for you (from the last MFP round) and realized that it…
  • Sort of loosely related to this topic. I am doing Physio twice a week for lower back pain caused by my hips being out of alignment. Strangely it all comes back to working those core muscles. Who would a thunk that working those abs will strengthen hips, lower back etc. too.? I always thought sore joints and muscles was…
  • Definitely count calories. I think part of this is learning to eat properly as well. Counting the calories/watching the nutrients is sortta like studying. And it is surprising how many things that one "disregards" if you don't log it (ie coffee with cream and sugar- Timmies one and one is 75 calories. , handful of raisins…
  • I started checking this site out about a month and a half ago. I did great (5 pounds in the first couple of weeks). Went on vacation and didn't check in. Good news is I only gained back to my starting weight of 150. I'm starting...again. My goal is 130 by spring. Hubby moved the treadmill in front of the television…
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