

  • I bought a $28 electronic digigal scale from Wal-mart for home and a cheapie one for work. I measure everything. You really learn a lot about how much you are serving yourself once you start measuring.
  • Dear Loving Husband (who said you were going to low carb with me): When you go hunting, leave all the chips, Little Debbie cakes (4 different boxes) and Dr. Peppers (my addiction, from which I am 3.5 weeks sober) at the camp. Do NOT bring them home and stuff them in my cabinets and fridge. Thank you. Incidentally, two…
  • Most of my books are Dana Carpender (low carb cookbooks) or Protein Power so I am sure it is one of those. I'll get my daughter to email it from home (to me at work) and I'll send you a message. It was really simple, though.
  • Fruits Lowest in Sugar Small Amounts of Lemon or Lime Rhubarb Raspberries (more about berries on low carb diets) Blackberries Cranberries Fruits Low to Medium in Sugar Strawberries Casaba Melon Papaya Watermelon Peaches Nectarines Blueberries Cantaloupes Honeydew Melons Apples Guavas - Pineapple Guavas (Feijoa) and…
  • Can't help you there, I had to wait until DH got home from work so that I could cook mine last night. :laugh: I got the knife in, but I couldn't even make a slit in the thing! I did a low carb parmesan chicken and a homemade alfredo sauce for the spaghetti squash strands. Even my non-low carbing sons loved it!
  • The kicker is that because of my current insulin dosing regime, I can ONLY eat at scheduled meal times, so no real snacks. So it would have to be light enough to get in with my regular meals. I normally drink water with my meals, maybe if I add a protein shake at breakfast and dinner, I'd get enough in. I'm going to look…
  • I'm having a hard time getting all my calories in (my doc has asked me not to go below 1500), especially when I exercise. But, because of my diabetes, I follow a low carb plan which means, I get to my fat allowance pretty quickly (nuts, avocados, cheese). I also never meet my protein intake, so I need some ideas for high…
  • oops, should have used Jillian Michaels' game as an example because you are correct, my wii Fit game doesn't tell me how many calories but the Jillian Michaels one does. For the wii fit activities, I just found one on the list that best describes what I've done and usually put in a lower time to err on the side of caution…
  • What I've been doing (which is not perfect, I know) is taking the information from the Wii Fit or the other game I have, which is the Jillian Michaels' game (about what calories I've burned) and finding an activity listed here and adjusting the time to get as close as possible. So for instance, if I do the skiing one under…
  • Spaghetti squash is a staple at our house. It is easy to prepare in the microwave. Just cut in half lengthwise and put the sides face down on a shallow dish (the open part) with enough water for the squash sit in. Microwave for about 4 minutes then check for doneness. Microwave for a minute at a time until the flesh shreds…
  • I see what you mean...I think I am doing what she tells me, but its not playing out onscreen, like the cannon throwing for instance. I prefer the Wii Fit game over hers, but maybe after I unlock some more things it will be better. I should have read the reviews before I bought the game. :grumble:
  • I got home today and my package is in!! Going to check it out and report back! :)
  • Thank you all for the welcome!
  • I ordered the wii fit along with the Jillian Michaels' game. It should come in either today or tomorrow. I can't wait to start using it. I've been told that you can do 30 minutes on it easily because it is so fun you don't realize how much time has passed. I know our whole family loves the wii sport one so this should be…
  • I noticed a ticker in someone's signature on a low-carb board I visit, so I decided to check it out. I like that it lets me customize my plan and tells me how much I have left to go. I was struggling with figuring out how many oz of protein I had left to go. That is very useful. So, I just wanted to introduce myself. My…