

  • Awesome! Keep up the good work!!
  • Try Gold Standard Whey Protein shakes. You can get them on, if you have trouble finding them elsewhere. They come in several great flavors and you can mix one up in a minute. Perfect for a good tasting snack that levels out your blood sugar crash. I know that sounded like a commercial. It's just what I do if I…
  • Hi, I'm PJ. I can relate to the ages of your kids - mine are grown, but they are 17 months apart. There is no magic to this. Journaling what you eat in the food tracker is very helpful. Portion control is important, as is eating every 3-4 hours. Beyond that, running around after your kids is fabulous exercise. Good luck!!
  • Congratulations! This is wonderful! Keep up the good work!!
  • There isn't any magic trick. Discipline comes in the doing. Some find that being accountable to a friend or relative each week keeps them honest. Some need to hang their goal clothing in plain sight. Some need to put up photos of how they used to look or how they'd like to look. I practice the simple rule: You bite it, you…