FitGirl329 Member


  • Just the SweetLeaf flavored drops and 1/8-1/4c 2% milk since that's what the kids drink and it's in the house. I keep unsweetened almond milk but dislike it in my coffee...a lot. It alters the taste too much. I'm having a HARD time this fall because I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the yummy fall and winter flavored drinks but have…
  • The oly time I ever experienced this was when I lost my "freshman 15" in college and concentrated on cutting fat from my diet and didn't focus on good protein at the time either. This was back when we thought low-fat=good. How much fat and protein have you been getting? What are your macro ratios?
  • Our body processes whole wheat just like white in terms of raising blood sugar levels. That's probably why you felt the way you did. If you switch those products to 100% whole grain or sprouted grains (like Ezekiel breads you buy in the freezer section), you'll be fine. Your blood sugar will stay level and you'll still…
  • I take 100mg a day for migraines...a lesser dose than is given for seizures or other brain issues. Any side effect I had was temporary. When I first got on it, I had some pins and needles sensations in my fingertips and toes, I was tired, caffeinated beverages tasted flat and I lost about three pounds. I think that's it. I…
  • I second bhankiii's post. Sugar has sabotaged every single goal I've had in terms of fitness...until now. I've always been someone who would do great during the day but would hit the pantry and snacks in the evening for something sweet. and a little something would turn into several somethings. It kept me soft and untoned.…
  • I only had 8-10 to lose to begin with. When you don't have a lot to lose, it can be difficult to lose at all. I remember posting here this summer frustrated at my lack of progress. I've since found my magic formula. I'm losing about 1 lb a week, sometimes slightly less, sometimes a bit more. Once I revamped my way of…
  • Refined sugars/carbs are processed by the body. It's just that they're bad for the body. Eating large amounts has been associated with higher levels of triglycerides and lower levels of HDL (the good cholesterol). This has been published in JAMA. All sugar ends up as glucose in the blood stream. But refined sugars raise…
  • I make sure my snacks consist of a good carb, a protein and good fat and don't have added sugars or artificial sweeteners. Sometimes it's a tall order! Lol! Siggi's brand yogurt (it's low glycemic) with 1T slivered almonds Flax or whole grain crackers with hummus Almonds or string cheese and a piece or cup of fruit Veggies…
  • Once a week only. Things fluctuate so much on a day to day basis that I find it pointless to do it daily. I do it roughly the same day/time every week. But even if the number doesn't change and I can tell my body is changing, I'm good with that. I try to not focus too much on the scale. Sometimes I skip a week or two.
  • This is backwards. Stevia, in it's pure form, has been used hundreds of years by people in South America. It's pure as it's a plant. I don't buy the major brands like Truvia and Stevia in the Raw, etc since they're owned by Coca Cola and also contain chemicals and may originate from plants in China. Stevia was not grown in…
  • It's just a number. Focus on what your body looks like and how your clothes fit. I repeat: it's just a number!!
  • I'm eating low glycemic and have learned a lot about low and high glycemic foods recently. Basically white and wheat are both high glycemic. The body treats them the same. So what you're experiencing isn't surprising. Low glycemic fibrous carbs will keep you fuller longer and even more so when combined with a protein and a…
  • I only had 7-9 pounds to lose to begin with. I was frustrated because it was taking forever. I ended up going to a more low glycemic way of eating which also has me eating every 2-3 hours (smaller meals and snacks) without fail so my blood sugar never drops. I'm never every hungry. I also have a good fibrous carb, protein,…
  • I'm 37. I guess I fall in this group too! Hi guys!
  • btwalsh: sidenote - U2's Bad is one of my favorite (underrated) songs by them of all time! LOVE IT!
  • Samlankford, I'm on a HUGE Muse kick right now. Great music in general but perfect for getting your blood pumping. When I shuffle artists/songs, I have a WIDE variety of types of music I play. Some I end up with: Muse (lots and various) Beastie Boys (various) Florence & the Machine (Dog Days are Over) Weezer (various)…
  • Great ideas!
  • Bumping to save!
  • I'm so glad to find this thread. I bought some but then read about toasting it first and never got around to cooking it because I thought it would be too much trouble. Thanks for the tips!
  • I've never believed in cleanses/fasting. Yet here I am on day four of a five day "reset" cleanse that's leading me into a low/moderate glycemic way of eating. I've been eating smoothies and bars from a company this week that are made with dehydrated foods along with raw vegetables. I've been getting calories, nutrients,…
  • Krizzo87, You look like a younger Brooke Smith who played Dr. Erica Hahn on Grey's Anatomy.
  • I use Trifexis for my dog.
  • @cangirl40 Lauren Conrad. She's precious! The first person I thought of is someone no one would know...Stephanie Corley Huckabee from The Firm and PowerFit workout videos. :)
  • Chocolate and anything s'mores flavored. I have to have a bit of chocolate every day. And I refuse to have anything s'mores flavored in the house anymore. I can't handle it!
  • If you open your diary, it might help people help you. I did it a while back and am glad I did. I got help when I needed it.
  • Truvia and Stevia in the Raw are owned by Coca-cola and are questionable re: what else is done to them. What brands are those of you having problems using? Make sure to use Stevia where the source is from South America and not China. I use only SweetLeaf products (no affiliation) because I know they're reputable and use a…
  • Have you been introducing more Splenda (sucralose is the ingredient on the ingredients list on the food label) or aspartame (Equal) or other artificial sweeteners? I've always have a mad sweet tooth. I've never consumed huge amounts of artificial sweeteners. But each morning I'd have a couple of Splendas in my coffee and…
  • If you like something in your coffee, use it in moderation and track it and cut something else. You'll be fine. Going to black coffee and then not enjoying it anymore is hardly worth it. I have a cup with 1 tbsp of half and half and one packet of Sweet leaf Splenda. I gave up the chemical artificial sweeteners and that…
  • My mother had to have a procedure done for supra ventricular tachycardia and is now on medication. She has always been a healthy weight but would have episodes where her heart would beat very rapidly as you are describing. Yes, others have high heart rates. This doesn't mean it's normal or healthy or that you don't have a…