

  • hahaha... I'm kinda slow... At first, when reading that I was thinking "Why would someone be giving away a spare tire on here?!?" hahaha... thanks for the laugh! :laugh: Good luck!
  • Good point.... a high fiber/high protein breakfast would probably take you pretty far through the day. Try Kashi's Go Lean fiber/protein cereal. Fiber definitely aids in weight loss, b/c it fills you up for longer! Eat whole grains and the veggies are loaded w/ fiber too. With high fiber though, be sure to drink lots of…
    in so hungry ;( Comment by leiba June 2009
  • I don't know... but try chugging water! And plain green tea. Green tea is a diuretic and aids in weight loss (studies show), and the fluids add no calories but fill you up for some time. If you fill up on water, there won't be as much room for food. And try to watch sodium intake. Don't add salt to your foods and try not…
    in so hungry ;( Comment by leiba June 2009
  • Every body is different! I didn't think about height, although 1200 does seem low... but maybe not for 5'. I am 5'7"... so it'd be low for me. Here's a website I found w/ a calculator to find out what you need to be eating... and it also has lots of other cool diet tools.…
    in HELP! Comment by leiba June 2009
  • I agree! Calories are energy! You need more than 1200... you'll send your body into starvation mode if you go too low and actually LOWER your metabolism.. which none of us want! Here is a GREAT article on everydayhealth.com on cutting too many calories and how it backfires!! :huh:…
    in HELP! Comment by leiba June 2009
  • Oh, and I meant "super innovative healthy..." ... haha... when I don't pay attention, who knows what I will write! haha... glad you enjoyed!
  • No problem! I love those sites. Especially that 101cookbooks. She is SO creative!!
  • Here are some good recipe websites: http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/home.asp This one has lots of healthy recipes, reviews and a vegetarian section. This one is created by a supper innovated healthy lovin' cook in San Francisco, CA. I LOVE her recipes... and almost all of them are vegetarian. http://www.101cookbooks.com/…
  • Hey! I've been a vegetarian on and off for about, geez... 10 yrs! (I'm getting old!). I have a ton of cookbooks w/ great recipes. One of my favorites is listed on Amazon now for about $3 bucks... It's Easy Dinners Vegetarian by Carrie Holcomb. Here's the web address to it:…
  • I have read that the way the body digests honey is way different than the way the body digests regular white sugar. White sugar is such a simple, very quickly digested sweetener... leaving you w/ no lasting energy and no health benefits. Honey on the other hand had a multitude of health benefits, including aiding in weight…
  • Hi... I'm new... I'm from Louisville, KY.
  • Red Bell Peppers! Avocado Cucumber (I LOVE fresh veggies!!!) Carrots plain or w/ peanut butter Almonds, pecans, walnuts, or pistachios Low fat string cheese radishes with a little sea salt celery w/ peanut butter raw green beans smoothies- made healthy and low fat w/ protein powder and Barleans lemon omega swirl fish oil…