

  • I'm very concerned that your weight is a topic you discuss together and that you are looking for his approval for your way of eating. He might be concerned you are going to go out of control, and his comment may reflect that. Unless you've been sedentary for's doubtful you've had a sudden change in body…
  • Wow I think your fitness progress is impressive -getting my body fat to 20% is my final goal after I hit my weight target. I'm sitting at 28% still so not sure how realistic it is for me with my current lack of activity. I can see how frustrated the bouncing weight right now would be for you. I hit a plateau on every diet…
  • I have been there...every time I've started a weight loss journey it was due to a picture. I saw a picture of myself at my kids birthday party back in 2006. I literally looked at the women for about 30 seconds trying to figure out who she was since I didn't remember her being there. Of course, it was me. And I felt shocked…