

  • Thanks for being my fitness pal! (woah, that was corny) anyway... another new pal just proposed this challenge: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/106538347409439756/ interested?
  • YES!!! Thank you all so much! let's do this!!! I am going to try to add you all... if you noticed I haven't please add me!
  • Hey ladies! I myself have been on and off again, it's tough but you can't beat yourself up about it. Congratulate yourself on the attempts and the decision to try again despite the failures. I nearly reached my goal before and fell back off track. I never accomplished anything by putting myself down. That being said, I…
  • Okay this is weird! My goal was to lose 10 pounds by christmas when I started on 10/30 I also weigh in every Wednesday... I am about to go weigh myself in a couple hours. I get so nervous before weigh-ins now! 3 pounds so far. I am really hoping for another 1.5 off today!