

  • I've been doing fake cafe au laits and lattes. I microwave a little bit of 1% milk for 30-45 seconds, then pour coffee on top. I add a packet of Splenda or some sugar free syrup (if I'm feeling really saucy, I'll throw a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder in, too). Yummy and easy, and this helps me deal with the fact…
  • I don't usually eat dinner till close to 8 pm, but I try to always have at least one snack between lunch and dinner to keep my energy up and my blood sugar from dropping. It's usually something protein-heavy so that I don't get too hungry waiting for dinnertime to roll around.
  • Today, it's an over hard egg topped with a couple of pieces of deli turkey and a slice of lf cheddar, plus a V8. Coffee will come next. I also do omelettes with veggies and cheese sometimes, on mornings when I have a little more time. And lately I've been trying out the grain-free pancake variations-- this one's really not…
  • I'm 5'4", CW 233. At this weight, I'm an 18. I'm hoping to get back to my wedding weight of 170, where I'm a 12/14, and then decide from there. I have a large frame and big bazoombas (which NEVER shrink as I lose weight), so I know I don't want to be much smaller than a size 10, which would be around 150 pounds, I'm…
  • She's doing it under doctor's supervision, right? I also have a friend who's having success with this diet, but she's seeing the doc once a week to get checked up and make sure she's doing okay. Her results have been more like 2-3 pounds a week (I think it was probably a little more at the very beginning). Personally, I…
  • I have dropped my carbs substantially since being diagnosed insulin resistant. At first I kept it to 25 or so a day, then gradually worked back up, being sure to get most of my carbs from veggies. I drink almond milk but otherwise allow some dairy (cheese, froyo). The hardest thing for me has been cutting bread and pasta,…
    in Low Carb Comment by pseusie June 2012
  • I agree with the advice of bumping your time up just a little bit each swim. When I first got back in the pool after a few years off, I could barely do 250 yards. But each time I go to the pool, I try to swim one more lap than I did the last time. And your stamina will go up faster than you think!
  • I think this is probably more of a sign that you two aren't compatible than that he's necessarily a jerk. I know a good number of women who have the exact same attitude toward sex, so if he'd brought this point up in conversation with one of them, it would have been fine. (I know one woman who believes that you can't know…
  • Likewise-- on day 3 of a 2-week gluten-free trial, and hoping for some advice (especially about breakfast and eating out!).
  • I don't believe in soulmates so much as kindred spirits-- people who fit into your life in ways that most others don't. And I think you can certainly have more than one in a lifetime (or even more than one at a time).
  • I'm shooting for 150. That should put me at a size 10 or so, which is the smallest I've been as an adult. I have a large bone structure and huge boobs, so any smaller than that is pretty unlikely.
  • When I've lost weight in the past, I haven't gone down cup sizes, though I REALLY wish I would. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will see a bit more difference this time, but I'm also planning on a reduction at some point in my future.
    in Boobs Comment by pseusie February 2012
  • I'm trying this tonight:
  • Right now, I'm doing a lot of eggs-- omelets with broccoli, cheese, and turkey, or breakfast tacos on low-cal Mission tortillas. The protein keeps me full for a long time. I also like whole wheat English muffins with a little peanut butter and jelly. Oatmeal is a good go-to, and it's quick.
  • Honestly, the calorie target has been the most helpful thing for me. I've done Weight Watchers in the past, and it can be a really good program, but I never had ANY handle on how much I was getting of anything: calories, fat, fiber, etc. Being able to see those numbers and think about how they add up over the course of the…
  • Have you tried making smaller batches and immediately freezing all but one? That helps me a lot: I tend to forget about the frozen ones, and it's so much more of a hassle to defrost them than to just having them sitting on your counter, staring at you.