sarahthecamper Member


  • Lifetime Crosstown in Eden Prairie. I need partners for tennis, racquetball and strength training!
  • Hi! Great idea! Start Weight: 177 Current Weight: 175 Goal Weight: 150 Height: 5'8" Age: 41 Clothes Size: 12 Favourite Exercise: Tennis
  • Good for you!!! I gasped when I got the pictures of the "old" you. What an amazing accomplishment!
  • I recently joined Lifetime (again) so that I can play racquetball (700+ calories an hour, people), tennis and do masters swimming. I finally came to grips with the fact that I don't have a lot of self-motivation on a machine and I need a little competition. So far, so good! (not that the pounds show)
  • So how was it? Did you feel like you were in the last scene Slumdog Millionaire?
  • Holy crap, 4000 miles! Good for you! My hubby and I are doing the Ride for the Cure again next August 4-5. It's 100+ miles from Eagan to Treasure Island one day and back the next (45/55 mile split). If that's your kind of thing, you should join our team! (Wheely Awesome) Bikers unite!
  • Nope, I went to Zumba for the first time today and it was pretty fun! I am in the totally uncoordinated crowd: step classes were ALWAYS complete he** for me, but this has a lot more moves that are like the aerobics classes of old. Grapevine, that kind of stuff. And everybody's all over the place so it doesn't matter. 573…
  • I usually do the Kim A Turkey Day 5K around Lake Calhoun with my friend (Kim A, obviously). Fun to say, isn't it? Thanks for the info about the resolution run in MG! That's a much better idea than New Year's morning!
  • I don't know how different I can be by the START of 2012, but hey...we didn't put all this on in two months, did we? I just joined (again...) Lifetime and have plans to swim, play raquetball and tennis. Time to admit the treadmill doesn't do it for me. 175, shooting for 150 by...March 1?
  • I'm brand-spankin' new, and extremely tired of being "the big girl." Starting: 177 Weight goal for Nov: Break into the 160s Nov. habits: Drink water! Exercise! Stick with it! Holidays shmolidays! Let's go, ladies!