

  • EXXERCISE IN THE COLD!! Exercising in the cold will force your body to raise it's metabolism to maintain a sustainable body temperature. So get out there and make the most of it!!! Shred that stone :smile:
  • Thanks for the link some interesting stuff on there. We will have to agree to disagree, i do know the benfits of insulin and would not question them in this case how ever we are not seeing the benefits. In this case it will be stimulating the release and getting the negative effect, increasing the protein in take in the…
  • Insulin is completely relevant, as it is 100% linked with fat storage and triglycerides, This is a very basic and in most cases the number one reason for the general public being in an over weight position in the first place.
  • Meal timing may not but protein synthesis does have an effect on metabolism and the thermo genic effect of consuming protein with in 30mins of waking will make a difference. As a nutritionist that has read and taken part in many studies on the subject of protein and metabolic effectiveness of food i know this to be fact.…
  • If you want to kick your metabolism and force a change you need to consume protein with in 30mins of waking. At the minute all you are consuming is fruit and an awful lot of fructose which is not good for you metabolism or fat reduction as the results it has on your endocrine system and in particular your insulin release.…
  • Calorie count during exercise is a huge and controversial topic, so many factors play a part in it that to get a true accurate count is very difficult. One of the biggest factors is body composition (this is the ratio of your body’s mass, anything that is not fat is classed as fat free mass, and this includes bones, soft…
  • As a woman you will gain very little in the way on lean muscle mass, as this depends on several things. The most important being testosterone levels, human growth hormone (HGH) levels and protein synthesis. As a woman you produce over 10 times less than men and have much lower HGH levels, which will not get effected by…
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