

  • I am having issues with a low BP also. I find that if I put a little salt in my diet and drink even more fluids that helps a lot. Normally I don't add salt to anything. And I am just really careful when I stand up..I know what's coming.
  • I have issues with that also. But I have really tried to focus on other things when we eat now...conversation, the weather. Anything other than food. Yes, we did eat that much before and probably more. That's how we got to the place we are in now. Being aware is crucial to us not repeating our past. But what works for us…
  • I only had to do a partial liquid diet for the week prior to surgery and if it helps any, it was the hardest part of the whole journey. Just keep telling yourself how it it worth it and you will get there. You will be hungry and tired but you can do.
  • I agree with Stef, maybe a new tradition needs to be started. I had my bypass 9 months ago and although I wouldn't be insulted by a cake. I sure would appreciate something else...maybe a fresh fruit parfait or something healthy like that. I am trying to avoid temptation at every step. And it would be healthier new start to…
  • don't ever be embarrassed by progress! You look great! Keep it up.