

  • I am just two day a member myself. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will send motivation as often as possible. I need to lose a good 40 lbs myself. Danny
  • Hi Dove, Add me as a friend and I will try my best to keep us both motivated. I am determined this time to get my "Smile" back. My Wife and kids are my inspiration, They deserve the fun, self confident me, Not the fat, self loathing me! Danny
  • Hi Wendy, Looks like you have a pretty good start. I am always looking for more friends. Need the support and will try my best to provide support. Danny
  • Kave and Amy, Your both such great inspirations. I don't get up at 4am but I do get up 45 minutes earlier than I used to for a workout. I also don't run yet but really hope to work toward being a regular runner. I could always use more friends as inspirations as I am just getting started. Please feel free to friend me if…
  • I used to have two Sugar Gliders but I was the only one to play with them. The wife and kids did not play with them enough so I ended up selling them to someone with more time to invest. I miss them though. :cry: Danny
  • Becca, Welcome back. I am new on my quest to lose 40 lbs and could really use more friends as well. So far MyFitnessPal and the great people I have met so far looks like it will really help me do it this time. Looking forward to losing with you, Danny
  • Hi Nichole, Just getting started myself. Could also use as many friends as possible. So far what I have seen of the site is great. Already tracking my food intake and exercise. But definitely need a push, prompt, prod, and kick in the butt to get off my butt :tongue: . Add me as a friend if you want a check-in buddy or…