Bhannon Member


  • Sorry to hear about the thyroid removal. Hopefully not cancer which is why I had to have mine removed. I am on a thyroid cancer group on FB and many people have been swearing by the keto diet. I just started 01/01/18 and have alot to learn but I have lost about 4 pounds. Granted i did exercise 2 of those days but I hope it…
  • I just recently learned about the Keto diet. The main focus from what I understand is low carb. I just finished a large taco salad with no shell. a ton of lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and taco meat. Only 6 carbs for the entire meal and I actually feel full. Good Luck!
    in Low carb Comment by Bhannon January 2018
  • Purplesaurus is right!! You are adding muscle. I just started trying to get healthy. My boss, who runs full marathons told me not to get discouraged. He actually told me that I would probably gain weight but lose inches at first, before any weight came off. I hope that helps!