jrangel5425 Member


  • Hey Brother, I've been bodybuilding for a while, and made a whole bunch of diet and exercise mistakes in the past. Here's a couple ideas for you: If you're maintaining calories but adding wieght, the culprit is usually one of three things: Added muscle, Catabolic State, or Water. Added muscle, of course, is not a bad…
  • GOOD FOR YOU! You know that the only person who can make this happen is you, and you're taking the right steps! I'd love to offer some motivation if you add me.
  • Everyone's different, brother. You read FLEX or M&F and they'll tell you that you can gain a million pounds in three months of lean muscle. What they don't tell you is that, for massive gains like that, you have to be doing what the pros do...which is illegal, and not an option for me. I shoot for a half pound a week. You…
  • Hey, there. That is, indeed, a serious question. My first question to you would be: is it your lower chest, or your upper abs (you said both...) Obviously, you know the signs of heart problems, right? Chest pain, pain in the jaw, left arm, etc? Being young has very little to do with with it..young people can have heart…