Leisarene Member


  • :smile: Welcome. Just take one day at a time! You can do this. MFP has been a God send for me!
  • You are doing great and look great. Wow, I just sat down long enough to add my food intake and was just staring at the screen wondering if I am truly hungry....scrolling up and down through the topics half paying attention since my mind is really on food.....hit your topic and am now motivated to get on the bike. LOL…
  • Sorry not clear on my post. I tried mfp back in 2011 but did not stick with it. This time I have been counting Cal and realized how high my crabs have been. Just in the last couple of days I have been watching carbs mainly.
  • I have been weighing myself every morning after or before I shower but berfore I eat or drink anything. Hoping someone can give me some advice though. I have been watching my calories and exercise to get the intake down to 1200 or 1500 but I seem to not lose the weight. I never paid attention to the carbs until now and was…
  • I record everything, even when I know I am not having a "good" day, This is my second attempt @ MFP the last time I only recorded my good days. I want to lose as much weight as I can by spring, so this time I log every day everything. I have been doing really bad the last couple of days, gained and was going to forget it…
  • Hey don't give up on you or your 'so' once you start shedding those unwanted pounds and not only feel healthier but become healthier your 'so' may be the biggest supporter you have! Only time will tell. Hang in there. You can do this!
  • By the way, thanks to those who posted encouraging words of advice. Much appreciated.
  • Wow. It has been a long time since I have logged on to this program.What happened to the uplifting encouraging people? The post "not a fan of eating" wish that was my problem. I love to eat and tend to overeat and the foods that are not healthy. I find if I plan what I am eating I tend to not order the pizza with…