

  • I do believe I have found YOU!! SW: 143 CW: 121.8 GW: 120 Height 5'1" Age: 23 Sex: Female
  • Wow, that is awful that you're in that situation! You know what they say, that misery loves company and it sounds to me like she is wanting some company. I don't even know if trying to sit down and talk to her about it is going to work. If she gets that defensive over McDonald's, it's hard telling what she'd say if you…
  • I think the best thing to do is to do it when you feel like it. That's how I've been doing it. I started out just walking, but then started jogging just 2 or 3 days a week, and I'd use the Nike+ app on my iPod to reach a calorie burning goal instead of distance. Now, I'm outside just about everyday I can get there. I'd say…
  • I am HUGE on the Wii... it's one of the reasons I've been able to lose as much as I have! Just Dance 2 is my favorite, but the Michael Jackson dancing game is great too. I also play the Wii tennis that comes with it. If I'm over my calorie limit for the day and don't really feel like running, I'll turn on any of these…
    in Wii Comment by TVDfan12 April 2011
  • I cannot be 100% certain, but I think it would be better to overeat a lot on one day. I have to have one day every 2 or 3 weeks that I just eat whatever I want or else I would lose it. But as long as you are within your calorie limit the majority of the time I think you should be fine.
  • I put it in under Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist. Mainly because our Zumba class is very modern/hip-hop dancing. You could probably put it under Dancing, general as well though.
    in zumba? Comment by TVDfan12 March 2011