

  • My daughter just bought P90X....I'll join her for a workout. I have arthritis in my neck and have to be low impact. I'm not sure what's involved with P90 but I'll give it a whirl! Thanks
  • Thank you! I see the dilly dallying at the gym too. Usually its the younger people, exercise, text someone, exercise, text... :)
  • Thank you so much! After reading your post....something clicked in my head! Thank you for taking the time to explain this in such great detail.
  • You know what?! I think you may be absolutely right....I have been achey and sore muscles for weeks. Today starts a new day and a new plan! I had breakfast before work today! Thank you so much.
  • Yesterday, before I read your post, I tried one minute fast, my son would call it balls to the wall, and one minute slow. I was ok for 3 times, but then my chest started to burn. I got a little scared. Today I'll try your suggestion, one minute fast and 5 slower. Thank you!
  • Thanks for your help. I do eat a lot of veggies and fruits, not between meals though. I would love to be friends! Please add me!
  • Hi, I am eating healthy, no bread, a salad everyday for lunch. At work everyone says I've eaten more salads in the past year than they have their entire life! Lean meat, salads, rice for dinner. Snacks are fruit, popcorn, occasionally a scoop or two of sherbert. My friend Michele calls me "a fruit eating freak!" I really…
  • Hi, I am eating healthy, no bread, a salad everyday for lunch. At work everyone says I've eaten more salads in the past year than they have their entire life! Lean meat, salads, rice for dinner. Snacks are fruit, popcorn, occasionally a scoop or two of sherbert. My friend Michele calls me "a fruit eating freak!" I really…
  • Thank you. In your opinion, do you think I need to up calories or go lower than 1200? I forgot to mention I'm 57 years old.