falloutspud Member


  • i know right? i'm nearly 4stone down and people keep saying 'don't you feel better for it?' Frankly NO! i've come to figure my body is about as unhappy as it can get right now but thats due to it being in constant flux. plus all the comfort food i'd usually reach for is off limits! i dont figure my health is gonna feel…
  • i limit bread/pasta/potatoes to a rare treat. carbs like this just seem to make me want to eat more carbs like this. a loaf of bread in the house is just plain evil :-) maybe that says more about my lack of control than anything else but if a loaf of bread (any type) is in the house it wont last long. plus the quantity of…
  • cheers for the feedback folks. back on the wagon it is. just wish i didn't have the emotional slump to deal with. so far on my 'journey' (i hate calling it a diet!) i've not had an emotional attachment to food or my success rate. guess i hit the rocks hard so to speak!
  • All the time. its the best way to stay focussed and not go off track. i always work backwards from my evening meal (the most dangerous time for me). always find it handy to keep a 100 or so in hand so that if temptation does come my way i have a guilt free get out plan!