walshmomma Member


  • lessening workouts and allowing for more recovery will flush out inflammation. You won't gain if you are decreasing your intake as you decrease you activity level.
  • I am still trying to wrap my mind around how you got that TDEE for me. On Scooby's I am getting 2600ish for -10%TDEE. I put my workouts as 5-6 hours of strenuous workouts. My lifting sessions easily go 1 hour and 15 minutes the shortest is 45 minutes 4x's a week on top of WOD or HIIT for 20 minutes 2x a week. I am taking…
  • I only had the fitbit for 20 days and of those 20 days it estimated 3188. I was manually entering my lifting in and nothing else. On the fitbit I average 15,000 steps a day. I don't think that is off though, that has been consistent.
  • As I try to digest this all in, would it be safe to adjust my MFP to Very Active and then no workouts and let the fitbit adjust the daily activity that I input it. I just changed my goals to those settings above and got 2360 as cals, then that would mean on my workout days I would hit around 2600 give or take. I tried to…
  • Thanks Heybale!! I will start ASAP, will be a little sad at not getting any PR's but I really need to lose some weight too.
  • I am going to try to do a screenshot of The Hacker's diet entries. Actually I have this google Doc I did here is the link. It will have all the info you asked. http://bit.ly/15zqhte No change in workout, Originally before the spreadsheet I was 206 and then dropped 3lbs immediately, the rest has been a slow gain over the…
  • Yeah I just ran the numbers again and your BMR is 1794, you need to eat more that is why you stopped losing weight.
  • are you sure your numbers are right? You and I are the same height and I weigh 210 and I am eating 3200 cals a day, I am very active but, still even sedentary you should be over 1700 by far more like 2300.