8 weeks into it

walshmomma Posts: 9 Member
I am still gaining, probably only 6lbs so far in the 8 weeks, when do I know I am done with my reset? When it levels out more? I have lost dress sizes and my measurements have gone down in the 8 weeks. I hate to be redundant, I am sure this is asked a lot. TIA :D I am 5'10" 210lbs 39 year old female. I have been trying to get up to 3200 cals on my workout days 2900 on rest days, it seems that is where my fitbit takes me anyway, ballpark.


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You gained 6 pounds but lost a dress size and inches???? Girl, keep doing what you are doing and put the scale away!!!! You are doing wonderfully!
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    ^^^^^^ totally agree well done. I eat by my fitbit too.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So has that entire 6 lbs been slow and steady over the whole 8 weeks?

    Or like a fast 2 lb gain of water weight, and then about 1 lb slowly every week?

    Or like 5 lbs fast the first week or two, and only 1 other pound slower over some period of time?

    Or it has been slowly diminishing gains from week to week, meaning metabolism is raising and the excess is becoming less and less each week?

    Was the first and later weigh-ins on valid days so you are not looking at water fluctuations from starting point?
    So morning after rest day eating normal sodium levels and not still sore from lasting lifting workout.

    So you can do the math over say last 4 weeks if it's been slow and steady gain. And no changes in workout that would cause changes in body improvements.

    Need the following:
    Total gross eating on avg daily for last 4 weeks.
    Total gained over those 4 weeks.

    Gained x 3500 / 28 days = credit over real TDEE since gaining non-water weight.

    Avg eaten daily - credit = better estimated TDEE.

    You should slip to that better TDEE estimate. No need gaining enough weight to make an inflated TDEE the real TDEE.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    Bumping for later :)
  • walshmomma
    walshmomma Posts: 9 Member
    I am going to try to do a screenshot of The Hacker's diet entries. Actually I have this google Doc I did here is the link. It will have all the info you asked. http://bit.ly/15zqhte

    No change in workout, Originally before the spreadsheet I was 206 and then dropped 3lbs immediately, the rest has been a slow gain over the last 8 weeks. I haven't updated on the spread sheet recent measurements or workouts only food cals and macros are up to date, but my workouts are all the same just upping the weights every 1-2 weeks. I am definitely gaining muscle, no doubt and having strength gains. Let me say before I started to eat at TDEE I came from Carb Nite, ultra low carb all week with one carb nite a week. Prior to that was paleo/primal for a few years. Both of which are 1. water depleting and 2. make you feel full and you under eat. I had originally lost 40lbs Paleo, gained 10lb back and then started Carb Nite only for a month and lost the 10lbs, gained some of it back obviously from adding carbs back in.

    My workouts are 4-5 days of lifting 3 days off. Sometimes on those lifting days I do a WOD or short HIIT, nothing over 20 minutes. I walk a lot, a lot, like I never sit. I have 3 young boys and a dog there is always movement going on.

    I weigh everyday at the same time but I only take the same day as "weigh in" if you know what I mean.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I am going to try to do a screenshot of The Hacker's diet entries. Actually I have this google Doc I did here is the link. It will have all the info you asked.

    No change in workout, Originally before the spreadsheet I was 206 and then dropped 3lbs immediately, the rest has been a slow gain over the last 8 weeks. I haven't updated on the spread sheet recent measurements or workouts only food cals and macros are up to date, but my workouts are all the same just upping the weights every 1-2 weeks. I am definitely gaining muscle, no doubt and having strength gains. Let me say before I started to eat at TDEE I came from Carb Nite, ultra low carb all week with one carb nite a week. Prior to that was paleo/primal for a few years. Both of which are 1. water depleting and 2. make you feel full and you under eat. I had originally lost 40lbs Paleo, gained 10lb back and then started Carb Nite only for a month and lost the 10lbs, gained some of it back obviously from adding carbs back in.

    My workouts are 4-5 days of lifting 3 days off. Sometimes on those lifting days I do a WOD or short HIIT, nothing over 20 minutes. I walk a lot, a lot, like I never sit. I have 3 young boys and a dog there is always movement going on.

    I weigh everyday at the same time but I only take the same day as "weigh in" if you know what I mean.

    So from 5/6 to 6/3 - 28 days.
    Gained 3 lbs exactly. That was after a rest day.
    Avg eaten daily during that time - 2932.

    3 x 3500 / 28 = 375

    2932 - 375 = 2557 best estimate of TDEE.

    Time to lower cals. No wonder your lifting has done wonders, that's decent amount to be in surplus while lifting.

    Sadly in deficit, you will have a very big contrast. Probably.

    But keep that workout up along with all that walking, and your TDEE is 2557.

    Now, divide that by Katch or Mifflin BMR, and there's your multiplier for this workout.

    As you lose weight, like every 5 - 10 lbs, find your new BMR, times that multiplier, there's your new TDEE. Take the deficit.

    Bam - done.
  • walshmomma
    walshmomma Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Heybale!! I will start ASAP, will be a little sad at not getting any PR's but I really need to lose some weight too.
  • walshmomma
    walshmomma Posts: 9 Member
    As I try to digest this all in, would it be safe to adjust my MFP to Very Active and then no workouts and let the fitbit adjust the daily activity that I input it. I just changed my goals to those settings above and got 2360 as cals, then that would mean on my workout days I would hit around 2600 give or take. I tried to read through that google doc that someone else posted on here, where you just fill in your Fitbit info and tweaks but it is way over my head.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Measured TDEE 2557 / 1708 Mifflin BMR = 1.497 multiplier.

    TDEE 2557 - 15%deficit = 2173 calorie goal

    1.50 to make it nice and even.

    And that is smack in-between levels, so I'd set MFP to Active, 1.45.
    Set adjustments to positive and negative.
    You'll mainly receive adjustments up slightly on workout days.

    Manually set your calorie goal to 2173 when you are done with your reset. Adjust macros to recommended, spreadsheet will help with that too. Macros tab, you enter in eating goal number.

    Since lifting is your main workout, and FitBit can't estimate those calories at all, log your workouts for lifting and use MFP's estimate. It may seem small, but that is correct, it should be small.
    But it'll be more than what FitBit would estimate.

    So you now have a 15% deficit to avg TDEE value.
    And it adjusts to FitBit seeing more or less activity.

    But, and here's the thing before you can use that system.

    Did FitBit show that same avg TDEE as actual eating levels pointed out?

    If not, it's off, and should not be used. You've nailed your TDEE from actual usage already. You really don't need the FitBit, unless your activity changes in some major way.
    So does the FitBit for the same 4 weeks show that same avg TDEE value of about 2557?

    If not, you'll need to skip it, except to confirm where the TDEE may go.
  • walshmomma
    walshmomma Posts: 9 Member
    I only had the fitbit for 20 days and of those 20 days it estimated 3188. I was manually entering my lifting in and nothing else. On the fitbit I average 15,000 steps a day. I don't think that is off though, that has been consistent.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So if you sync your FitBit, it's going to cause an avg 630 calorie adjustment up on avg.

    You'll be gaining weight more than you are now while eating at TDEE, and it'll wipe out your deficit when you take a cut.

    So you can NOT follow that method of syncing the FitBit, it's inflating your burns, or the manual logging of lifting was raising it.

    Where were you getting your lifting calorie burns from to enter in?

    So back to just manually setting eating goal, and no syncing.
  • walshmomma
    walshmomma Posts: 9 Member
    I am still trying to wrap my mind around how you got that TDEE for me. On Scooby's I am getting 2600ish for -10%TDEE. I put my workouts as 5-6 hours of strenuous workouts. My lifting sessions easily go 1 hour and 15 minutes the shortest is 45 minutes 4x's a week on top of WOD or HIIT for 20 minutes 2x a week. I am taking 2-3 rest days. I walk about an hour a day 6 days a week on top of all the other walking I am doing in the house and running after kids at the park, pool, baseball practice. 2100 is so low for my height and weight. I don't think I could go that low without being tired.

    I wasn't so much concerned about the couple lbs of gain as to know when I should start my first cut, which I was planning to do as 2600ish for 4-6 weeks. I think where I have been eating has been satisfying and I don't want to sacrifice too much of my performance that is why I would prefer a 10% cut and take longer. I don't think I have a ton to lose, I mean in the high 180's or low 190's is where I will land in the end. That's about 20lbs of fat I am hoping. That would bring me in the 25% range for BF, which I would be happy with as a woman my age. I am at 30.3% BF as per bodpod, so I am supporting around 144lbs of LBM.