Rachyroopoo Member


  • I'm a student from Australia and generally eat around 1600 - 1900kcal (depends on workouts etc for the day) per day. I spend around $150 a fortnight and eat a very high quality diet. Eating on a budget actually forced me to try new foods and new cooking techniques. Weirdly, I'm actually a much better cook and healthier as…
  • Personally, I find high protein, fat and fiber foods the most satisfying. Luckily, there's lots of options on a budget! Here's some things I generally take to uni: - Curried egg, cottage cheese and salad sandwich on wholemeal bread (eggs for protein, cottage cheese for fat and protein, salad and wholemeal bread for fiber).…
  • A small banana and 30g of rolled oats. I slice the banana into the oats, add a bit of water and microwave until the banana melts through. It's a fantastic pre-workout meal :-)
  • Oats! They make a great pre-workout snack and I now make my own cereal concoction, predominately using oats.
  • I definitely recommend http://www.c25k.com/ as well. I went from hating running to loving it. Stick with it though...it doesn't matter if you repeat weeks, as long as you keep going.