

  • Start off nice and easy and then build up. When I joined a gym I thought people were staring at me thinking "what the hell is she doing here? She'll never loose weight." But you stay strong and fight through those nasty thoughts. I now walk into the gym with my head held high and enjoy the feeling of sweat dripping- it…
  • I'm a nurse and work with a lot of rehab patients who have done knees. We advise that they start off easy with riding. If you can do an RPM class. The trainers also know what would be great for your knees. It wouldn't be wise to go up and down on the bike as that's bad for your knees, but simply riding with intervals of…
  • I'm a nurse and work with a lot of rehab patients who have done knees. We advise that they start off easy with riding. If you can do an RPM class. The trainers also know what would be great for your knees. It wouldn't be wise to go up and down on the bike as that's bad for your knees, but simply riding with intervals of…
  • I think everyone is starting a weight loss regime feels the same way. It seems that us humans are an impatient lot. We feel that because we've been watching what we eat, how much we exercise etc. we expect to see results PRONTO!! I'm in the same boat as you. I asked my fiance just yesterday if he thought I looked like I…