mjrnner Member


  • nothing. Short with built in briefs or pants commando.
  • Love the advice I have gotten so far - bumping for more. Thanks!
  • Thanks so much you guys! I am so grateful of all of your thoughtful responses already. I know I am a bit struggling with the fact that I know I am not "fat" so I get a bit complacent - but I also know that I have the potential to feel great about how I look. Seeing you guys get there is really inspiring!
  • I have nursed two little ones and was definitely very hungry - especially in the beginning, it does get better. My tips would be to try to keep healthy filling snacks on hand - nuts, cheese, yogurt, apples, peanut/almond butter, hard boiled eggs, turkey breast. and drink lots and lots and lots of water. I also made big…
  • Congrats!!!! What a great accomplishment - you DID smoke the swim and bike! I am doing the one in Syracuse on 8/5!
  • Hi! I am doing a sprint on 8.2, it's not my first, but my first in 5 years so it feels like it! Happy to trade tips! congrats on your big weight loss!
  • Swim 0 (2.4) Run 5.1 (26.2) Bike 30 (112) 7/1 - 5k race (3.1) & 20m bike - big day! 7/2 - 3 mile walk (not logging above) 7/3 7/4 7/5 - 10 mile bike, 2 mile run
  • Hi, I'm still pretty new to MFP, but this seems like a good group for me. I am training for a sprint - my first in 5 years and since having 2 kids! I haven't ever tracked mileage cumulatively like this before so I will set my goal and see how it goes....I think the bike miles will be the biggest challenge as I have trouble…
  • Hi, I just posted about this today and there are a bunch of us! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/388572-nursing-moms Come visit :)
  • Wow, lots of us! Thanks ladies! Yes I found the "breastfeeding" option, it gives me 500 calories since she isn't eating anything else right now. I nursed my first for about 14 months and will probably do about the same - already counting down the months to stop pumping though (9 more!). Great job to those of you who have…