

  • I love to dance around like there is no tomorrow. Sometimes putting on some feel good music and let loose...once your done...you didn't realize you just did an awesome workout.
  • I started at 233.5 and now I'm down to 230 and I started about two weeks ago. My goal is to get to 150 lbs. It brings me inspiration when I see all of your weight loss achievements...awesome job everyone! I'm hoping to hit my goal
  • I'm not confident to go to the gym either, but I dusted off my treadmill and walk on it while I listen to Pandora. I have a specific station that is upbeat and keeps me going. I also like to box. Since I'm in school and work full time, I have fustrations that build up and wants me to eat. So, when I feel like this, I go…
  • I weigh myself every morning. This gives me a sense of where my weight is going and what I need to do better than the day before. I use it more as a motivation tool. However, I only record once a week.