

  • I ate 3 oreos, 3 small slices of rye, and drank vodka sodas last night... (the food splurge was after I got home from the bar...they were suppose to soak up the alcohol I kept on telling myself...ya.....straight to the thighs LOL). I am up 3 lbs as well. Right now I'm just getting back on track with an egg and lettice…
  • Ok so I just read this and that is awful. I suffer from asthma as well, and this heat is brutal. The front of my neck actually started hurting today just speed walking with the doggie at 7 am lol. Anyways, I wanted to reccomend a book to you: The Magic. Its a great book about feeling gratitude even when times are…
  • That sucks, but hopefully this is the first and last time this needs to happen to teach you a very valuable lesson...well maybe a few.. but first a foremost never, ever leave anything unattended anywhere. People who steal dont care if you are part of their family, neighbourhood, apartment, school etc etc etc. You sound…
  • You look amazing! you dont even look 209 right now...maybe 170/180. Good job girl you are ROCKIN IT!
  • Honestly, I love this topic! I gained 20 lbs back this year at my school because of all the free foods in the staff room! What I reccomend: SAY NO! Just stay solid. If its not healthy, and your not wealthy, turn to other non-costly items that also have protein: beans, veggies, fruits, cereals... Not sure if you…
  • Grapes are sooo sugary...and I've also had bathroom problems when I eat alot of careful girl hope you feel better soon...
  • First of all, its not TMI!!! I think this is an awesome thread because I feel alot of people, especially myself, has had this issue when eating clean and exercising. A few things to try: 1 cup of blueberries or cherries, coffee, exercise, shreddies cereal, popcorn. Honey, please do not start using laxitives etc. It will…
  • Saw you liked the show 'Friends'....random reply to your random facts: I have a friend just like 'Janice'! save me! LOL
  • Random Facts about ME! 1) I own the cutest Yorkie Terrier, Rambo (seen in my profile pic!) 2) I am a teacher but also own a cupcake company 3) I am obsessed with Indian Vegetarian food at the moment 4) I have the summer off but I still get up at 6:45 am to jog because my internal school year alarm clock…
  • Hey Donald, I am a kindergarten teacher and have the summer off. Most people may kill for that but time off (and a wacky schedule, or should I say: no schedule) so very damaging to a person like me because I can totally fall into a slump. It takes alot to get me motivated too. Every summer I seem to get this idea "I am…
  • Tuna Burgers: 3 cans of tuna 3 tbsp light mayo 3 eggs 1/2 cup breadcrumbs green onion red pepper feta cheese salt/pepper Mix all the ingredients and form into patties. Cook in non stick skillet on medium-low each side 3-5 mins. SO GOOD! :-)
  • U look great girl! Maintenance is the hardest part, so keep the lifestyle- you look amazing!
  • Your such an inspiration. Keep it up hon :-)