5 random facts about yourself



  • Random Facts about ME!

    1) I own the cutest Yorkie Terrier, Rambo (seen in my profile pic!)
    2) I am a teacher but also own a cupcake company www.whatthecup.ca
    3) I am obsessed with Indian Vegetarian food at the moment
    4) I have the summer off but I still get up at 6:45 am to jog because my internal school year alarm clock hasnt gotten the message yet! GRRRRRR!
    5) My day so far has consisted on a netflix marathon of, Being Erica. Good show!
  • Saw you liked the show 'Friends'....random reply to your random facts: I have a friend just like 'Janice'! save me! LOL
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Name: Stephanie
    Age: 22

    1) Recently graduated Boston University -- go Terriers!
    2) I write a food blog: http://collegecookingandironchefamerica.blogspot.com
    3) I LOATHE Bananas -- to almost a phobia point
    4) I am one of those crazy black friday shoppers -- and SO proud of it.
    5) Certified coffee addict
  • Traeyek
    Traeyek Posts: 9 Member
    1. I love anything pink or red
    2. My dream ride is a black suburban with nice rims
    3. I hate fireworks
    4. I am a grandma
  • Moyzilla
    Moyzilla Posts: 106 Member
    1. I've never had a cavity.
    2. I knew I wanted to be a classical musician when I was 4 years old, never doubted it.
    3. Large bodies of water (lakes/oceans) feel like home. Cant even describe their pull.
    4. Sunlight makes me sneeze
    5. Due to my name, when people meet me on paper they usually assume I'm a guy.
  • Traeyek
    Traeyek Posts: 9 Member
    I call footed pjs duck bill platypus feet pjs lol never knew this was a real animal hahhaaaaa to funny
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    1. I had two of my three daughters at home. On purpose. The Army prevented me from having the 2nd at home.

    2. I once almost knocked the King of Sweden on his backside. I didn't know it was the King till much later, when friends told me Swedish Secret Service all had their rifles trained on me.

    3. I supported the 1st commercially available laser printer and managed the final phase of the project to bring the first credit reporting software for PCs to market.

    4. I earned my MBA/IS at 56. I hope it helps me find my next dream job.

    5. I do that whole running commentary others have talked about when they cook... only I do it when I use my Bare Minerals makeup. <blush>
  • Keri

    I have dreadlocks
    I don't have any cavities/fillings
    Im now addicted to MFP
    I have a pug named Gizmo
    My fav author is C.S lewis
  • Menna
    18 y/o

    1. Im a nerd and i can't help it haha :D
    2. Im really shy.
    3. I hate fish.
    4. I hate being home alone.
    5. Sleeping is my favourite hobby :D
  • Random Facts about ME!

    1. I like sugar on my popcorn
    2. I cry EVERY time I watch the birth of a baby
    3. My all time favorite song is "let it be me" by Ray LaMontagne
    4. My favorite time of year is Fall (when the leaves have changed & the rain comes)
    5. I run to take out my aggression & prefer to do it alone
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    1. I am petrified of sharks but love visiting the ocean.
    2. I love frogs.
    3. I wanted to marry Mr. Rogers up until the time I was 8.
    4. I was our state's Teacher of the Year in 2001.
    5. I think naps are very underrated.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Age 36

    1. I'm obsessed with potatoes and can eat (though haven't done so in years) three whole orders of them at Denny's.
    2.I can't drive on the freeway. I panic.
    3. I'm a good mimic. I entertain my coworkers with impressions of people we meet throughout the day.
    4. I'm a Dark Tower junkie.
    5. I'm deathly afraid of heights. Someone already said they had a "raw fear" of snakes...yeah I know what you mean.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Erica 33

    1. I do not own an umbrella.
    2. I watch Titanic once a month.
    3. I don't wear underwear. Hate them.
    4. afraid of heights
    5. I've had fake nails since I was 15.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member

    i decided to quit smoking today
    i can never remember a time when my nails werent bit into stumps
    i'm a hypochondriac
    i love stupid lifetime movies or tv shows ment for teen girls
    i spent 4 hours doing a months worth of laundry yesterday. i can already tell that im not going to hang most of it haha. im a huge procrastinator
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    1. I am deathly afraid of heights, and even climbing a ladder makes me wanna puke.
    2. I want to be a cat.
    3. I love to cook and I take great pride in eating clean, healthy, home-cooked meals every day.
    4. If I could live off watermelon, I would.
    5. I have tiny TINY feet. They look almost disproportionate to the rest of my body.
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    1. I love thunderstorms
    2. I love to listen to local bands
    3. I have two degrees: 1 in Computer Science & 1 in Nursing
    4. I love to sew
    5. I grew up overseas
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    Name: Emma
    Age: 30

    1. I spend way too much money on books and go through them too quickly
    2. I love Dexter (the books, the series, the man :smile:!! )
    3. I love cooking, but would like someone else to do it at home once in a while
    4. I would love to swim with (or be in a cage near) Great White Sharks
    5. Scary movies don't scare me, but stupid little noises make me jump!
  • chelseyjoan
    chelseyjoan Posts: 79 Member
    Name: Chelsey
    Age: 20

    1. I love the sun, I don't consider anything too warm, put me on a beach and sunshine and i'm happiest. I hate cold SAD Disorder, which leads me to my next point,
    2. I live in Alberta, Canada.. last winter was coldest place in the world next to Antartica.. Why do I live here?
    3. I was recognized for having one of the highest GPAS last semester by the dean of my university- although nobody believes I'm smart by first glance.
    4. I've had fake nails since grade 8- (4th year university now)
    5. Nothing makes me happier than puppies!
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member

    1. I am not a finger food person so I eat my pizza with a fork and knife. I will put up with gross fingers for wings though.
    2. My favorite color is purple.
    3. I'm addicted to horror movies.
    4. When I open something like sour cream or yogurt, I always leave that silver cover on underneath the lid. Don't know why, I just do.
    5. I love my dogs, books and fiance:D
  • chelseyjoan
    chelseyjoan Posts: 79 Member

    1. I am not a finger food person so I eat my pizza with a fork and knife. I will put up with gross fingers for wings though.
    2. My favorite color is purple.
    3. I'm addicted to horror movies.
    4. When I open something like sour cream or yogurt, I always leave that silver cover on underneath the lid. Don't know why, I just do.
    5. I love my dogs, books and fiance:D

    I leave the tinfoil cover on as well!!