5 random facts about yourself



  • jessicaacampbell1
    jessicaacampbell1 Posts: 133 Member
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    Claire 38 (really when did that happen!!!)

    1 - Feet and wind turbines give me the screaming hab dabs.
    2 - I have 2 horses, 4 cats, 1 dog and 3 hens - my fur and feather babies
    3 - I am an only child
    4 - I ride a FZ1 Fazer and run a motorcycle training school
    5 - I am obsessed with the tudor dynasty.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    5. I'm one of those people that puts two spaces between each sentence, and I will not change no matter what you tell me.

    HAHA I do that too!!! That's awesome!

    Isn't that the proper way to do it? (space) (space) If I come across a paragraph that only has single spaces after the sentences, I always add another! :wink:

    Edited to add: Why are so many people afraid of wind turbines? LOL!
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    Name: Leah
    Age: 27

    1) My left foot is a size bigger than my right foot, so I have to compromise with shoe sizes
    2) I really want to wear fashionable clothes, but for some reason spend most of my days in jeans and hoodies
    3) I like a little coffee with my (soy) milk, and some fries with my ketchup
    4) My face is shaped like a heart, which is supposedly the most wanted face shape...
    5) I have a two finger forehead, so bangs are a no-go (but I keep on trying them anyway)
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    1) My left foot is a size bigger than my right foot, so I have to compromise with shoe sizes

    Just the opposite here, my right is about a size and a half larger than the left. I always buy for my right foot and just pull the laces as tight as possible on the left.
  • 6566tess
    6566tess Posts: 39 Member
    1) I hate touching certain things like chalk, chalkboards, a dirty car, basketballs that are played with outside...the feeling gives me the creeps! I know strange!
    2) I love to read, read, read and have to read before I go to bed or I will go nuts! If I finish a book and don't have a new one to read I will read my teen daughter and son's books.
    3) I am always hot and therefore prefer winter to summer (I live in MN so only have to suffer through the heat for about 4 months) I love to sleep in a really cold room :)
    4) I have got terrible migraines since the age of 5 and guess what heat and humidity are one of the triggers! No wonder I hate heat and hot weather.
    5) Lets see what else? I rarely watch tv...would prefer to read :)
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    40 years old

    5. I really, really wish I could afford a maid on a weekly basis. Maybe once both girls are in school (and I don't have to pay as much childcare $$ I will treat myself :)

    I'd drive an 89' Ford Festiva before I gave up my weekly housekeeper and I am NOT EXAGGERATING! Ha!
  • sayoder7
    sayoder7 Posts: 7 Member

    1. I always sleep with one foot outside the covers. Not sure why but have to do it.
    2. I always say I love you when signing off a phone call with my mom and brother. If we get cut off for some reason, I'll call back just to make sure they hear me say it.
    3. I love, love, love my Detroit Red Wings but this was the first year I didn't cry when they got knocked out of the playoffs. I think it's because I missed a lot of games during the end of the season, so I wasn't as heavily invested as I might normally be.
    4. I'm an auditor and my current client has an office cat, which I LOVE! I'm in kitty heaven. It's a friendly cat as well :smile:
    5. When I fall asleep at night I put the TV on a 60 minute timer, but I can only leave it on HGTV, DIY, or Food Network because I'm worried that any other channel might show something that will get into my subconscious and give me a bad dream.
  • jinlopez
    jinlopez Posts: 38
    Hi All! Let's see....5 random facts...

    1. I'm a Netflix fiend.
    2. I'm ridiculously disciplined when logging what I eat/drink.
    3. I just recently got the Nordictrack x9i Treadclimber.
    4. Took a $7 hamster to the vet for a $140 exam. (boyfriend's hamster...I swear!)
    5. I'm addicted to Words with Friends, Hanging with Friends, Scramble with Friends, and Draw Something.

  • TraceySMartin

    1. I was a paranormal investigator for 3 years
    2. I hate spiders and high places
    3. I have visited every continent except Antartica
    4. I have been riding, showing and training horses for 35 + years
    5. I would like to be on the TV show Survivor
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    1. Languages fascinate me - ALL of them.
    2. I'm a combat veteran.
    3. I've been a musician for 35 years.
    4. I LOVE world travel - expatriatism is a dream...
    5. I have SEVERAL piercings that most ppl dont know about:bigsmile:

    Other than the piercings and combat veteran-ism, we sound like the same exact person!
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    31, will be 32 next month!

    1. My husband is 9.5 years older than me and I knew I was going to marry him on our first date.
    2. I have ALWAYS loved pigs. I used to own a giant pig figurine collection (before it was destroyed in an apartment fire). I still want to own a mini-potbellied pig and name him Mortimer.
    3. I still think Seinfeld is the most relevant TV show to this day, despite the fact that it is 20ish years old and has been off the air for 13 years.
    4. When I was younger I was way more 'artistic'. As a child I used to write stories and read until the wee hours of the morning. I was in band, choir, and theater in high school. Now that I am older my 'scientific' side has taken over and I am working on my bachelors degree in Medical Lab Science and work in a chemistry lab.
    5. I am hearing impaired. My parents didn't realize anything was wrong until I went to pre-school and the teacher noticed it.
  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    1. I may have more 4&5 leaf clovers then anyone (at least everyone I know) Excess of 4K of them.
    2. Shanghai is my favorite place to visit.
    3. I still play Dr. Mario from time to time
    4. I'm a political junkie
    5. Pulled a 11.8 second pass with my first stock VR4 back in 95
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    omgosh I know! I hate when someone points out and says, you're face is red... oh really? Like I couldn't feel my burning hot flesh. Then thats when I get embarassed lol.

    the red face thing happens to me, and then they start making fun thinking I'm embarrassed, then they do embarrass me! :blushing:
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    Sherry 39 years old

    1. My kids and boyfriend are my world and always will be first no matter what!
    2. I am a die hard football and baseball fan and I am in fantasy leagues for both.
    3. I hate feet...a lot! I also hate any peach flavored/smelling candy, fruit, jucie cuz I think it smells like feet.
    3. I cannot sleep with my closet door open.
    4. I hate the word moist!
    5. Fall is my very favorite time of year
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member

    1. I can complete zone out the world.
    2. I use the term cute way too much.
    3. I haven't called out to work going on 6 years now
    4. I seem to always be a better mood when I'm single.
    5. I actually like Winter and Snow. Also, I think driving in the snow is actually fun.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member

    1.) My daughter is the best thing that could have ever happened to me, she's 17 months old.
    2.) I have a son, whom I placed for adoption when I was 19.
    3.) I love line dancing
    4.) I love riding down the coast with my music blaring.
    5.) The sun always makes me feel better, I love when it hits my skin.
  • nikkolec
    nikkolec Posts: 204

    1. I have natural red hair/green eyes which is pretty uncommon
    2. I speak four languages
    3. I love driving and have an app to help me find cool roads
    4. I’ve been dancing for over 30 years
    5. I have a contractor’s license
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    2. I can tie a cherry stem with tongue
    I can do that too, great party trick! :drinker:
    I used to be a DJ
    I'm a sucker for tatts, but have none myself
    I want Pete Wentz from FOB
    I can get my feet behind my head, lol.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    25 (almost 26)

    1. My mother is Venezuelan
    2. I'm a big computer/video game nerd.
    3. Favorite music is industrial and EBM, little bit of 80s, and also like film scores and some video game music
    4. I can't swim
    5. I have a Ham radio license.. but lately have had little time to do anything with it. :(