Goldenera Member


  • Oh boy, I have the same problem. I'm ok in all the other places but I have for years always looked pregnant! I did manage to achieve an almost flat belly but I had to do intense 60 min weightlifting classes 3x wk and then run 5k 2x week. I ended up with workout burn out after religiously doing this for 2 years. I realized…
  • Consider going to a Naturopath and discussing options to take herbal supplements such as Saw Palmetto and Vitex (a.k.a Chasteberry). I have the same problem and have PCOs and it such a struggle. I just started taking it and maybe I'll report back in about a two or three months to see how these herbs work. I am crossing my…
  • I totally and whole heartedly understand what you're going through. I've had PCOs for 20 years now and I still can't loose weight despite all my efforts. Not to despair though, I really think I have found what will work for me and it might help you too. I tried metformin, but only for 2 months and I saw no progress. My…
  • Keep it up! Good job.
  • Amazing! Absolutely amazing! Good for you and it is inspiring to see that you did it slowly but surely.
  • I have something similar called Polycystic Ovarian syndrome. Get to know the low glycemic index diet and low glycemic index foods, which will help you to stabilize your insulin levels. In the research I have done that is the kind of diet that is recommended for people with our kind of illnesses. Also look into herbal…
  • You look so much younger. Congratulations! Keep on trucking.
  • Juicing does wonders to improve your digestive health but you should not be doing it to lose weight. I make a veggie juice a few times a week and drink it on an empty stomach an hour before I eat breakfast. My skin is now next to perfect (totally even and the tiny bumps on my forehead have dissappeared) and my sugar…