

  • What's your name? Alexis How old are you? 18 Where do you come from? MA How tall are you? 5'4 Are you married? No! Where do you live? BYUI as of this winter! Do you have any children? no What do you do in your spare time? Draw, play guitar! What sports do you like? Tennis, running Do you have a car? Lincoln! What's your…
  • I fractured my foot over the summer. I sat at home and did leg lifts with ice on it. I also lived off freeze pops and fruit cause i couldnt stand on one foot long enough to cook :p But yeah, once you get crutches youll see how much of a workout they are. I actually lost weight on crutches haha maybe it was the whole fruit…
  • Honestly, you have to tell yourself that you want it. You need to want it. Stop talking and make it happen. People are all like "Ohh, Id give anythinggggg to be skinny!" Yeah? if you'd give anything, then get yourself outside and run. Give some energy. Give calories. Once you burn those calories, they don't come back.…