I think if you're starting, you should ease into it so you don't burn out. If 1500 is easier, start with that and some exercise. You can feel fuller for less calories if you really bulk up on stuff like steamed vegetables, fresh fruit (especially stuff like strawberries and blueberries - they have very low calorie counts…
Kale is a green ( Most grocery stores carry it, and you can buy it chopped in bags as well. It's got a lot of calcium and other nutrients.
I am set at 1200 and find it sometimes relatively easy to keep up (if I fill up on healthier stuff), but occasionally tough if I don't watch what I eat. I'm starving after 1200 calories of sugary treats or chips, but if it's all lentils and brown rice and veggies...I feel quite satisfied. I think 1200 works ok for me…
You are totally right - I'm going to ask myself that every time I feel discouraged. Thanks!
A vegan diet is a great thing to try. Give yourself a week and see how it goes - monitor how you feel, your energy, your emotions, and whether you're enjoying what you're eating. Just try for a week. Field Roast vegan sausages (at Whole Foods, probably elsewhere) - especially the Apple Sage - is like real meat. So is the…
I do this. It happens. Don't beat yourself up for it and just move forward. For me, sometimes when I focus too much on what I'm NOT allowed, I start to obsess and crave it and that drives me into the kitchen for crazy food fest. Maybe that's what's going on? Why not promise yourself a treat or two every day, as long as you…
Remember the time Ronald Reagan decided that ketchup was a vegetable? This smells similar, no?
I'm currently OBSESSED with buying dry beans (any kind, really - pintos are nice, kidney, or some of those 15 bean mixes). They make wonderful soup with vegetable broth, onion, carrot, and other veggies and spices. Or rockin' bean dip. Or great with brown rice or quinoa or barley and some mexican spices. You can't get much…
I've made tomatoless chili and it's yummy. Chili is awesome because you can basically throw in whatever you like, then spice it, and it's REALLY hard to mess up. I've made something like the following before. Sorry I don't have measurements...I just kind of go by feel and taste as I go: beans of some kind (the 15 bean…
Thanks, all! Looking forward to all the new motivation and friend support!!