melisae Member


  • I just received Zumba Exhilarate in the mail today (I am so excited to start!). Did anyone ever help you out? Hopefully since it's been almost 2 months. If not, let me know. :)
  • Hi, I'm 33 and have a 7 week old son. I live in Arizona and joined MFP just a few days ago. I counted calories before by keeping a running tally in my head but actually writing it all down here has been eye-opening and helps me make better decisions about what I'm eating. I never had body issues until after I moved cross…
    in Welcome Comment by melisae November 2011
  • I'd start with baby steps. A complete overhaul is overwhelming. When I first started I made a couple of small changes when looking for food--I chose items that are natural sugar (as in no sugar added or even just less sugar) and chose breads that are made with whole wheat flour (it will be the first ingredient, enriched…
    in Help! Comment by melisae November 2011
  • Hi Everyone, I received an invite to join and so here I am :) A little about my weight journey. I started putting on weight shortly after moving cross country 9 years ago...lots of pizza and beer will do that! Then after getting married in 2005 and suddenly becoming ill I put on a lot more weight and about 4 years ago…
  • Welcome all and good luck! :)
    in Hello! Comment by melisae November 2011
  • Thanks Jaci. I never wrote down everything I ate before so it's been interesting and educational.
    in Hello! Comment by melisae November 2011
  • Congratulations!! That is awesome. :)
  • Hi! I'm a SAHM too and my son is 6 weeks old. The weight loss is going to be a challenge but I'm definitely up for it and this seems like a great community to be a par t of. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi Paula! I just joined yesterday--I'm here to lose the baby weight and then some. Today is my first day tracking and it's been eye-opening so far! Melisa