

  • What a journey! And what a lucky wife you have!'s been one heck of a ride and I'm honored to ride it out With you!???? It's a lifestyle that we are creating so that we can instill it in our children. Our body is our temple and God desires us to have a sound mind, body and spirit. We can do this because we have been…
  • Yayy!! I am so excited to find you all! My opinion is that people who are in the 5 ft range share something special ;) I definitely need motivation but am certainly willing to encourage and help motivate others. I love to eat and that is one of my problems. I also run out of ideas of what to eat so if you are willing…
  • This challenge is great for me too! I really need the support & encouragement & would like to give the same to others! My fitness goals are to: 1. Log everyday 2. Workout at least 20 minutes 3 days a week. Finding the time & energy to work out has been a challenge in itself. I will Start small so that I can achieve this &…
  • Age: 26 SW: 151 CW: 146 GW: 130 Height: 5' 0"