
  • I would advise you to listen to your body. I was the same way. All of these women out there rave about how easily the weight came off because they breatfed. I breastfed my daughter for 6 months (I was hoping for a year), and it was the most difficult thing I have ever done. I lost about half of the weight right away, but…
  • I'm in. I'm ready for a reboot. SW: 160 CW: 146.6 GW: 130ish Weigh in Dates: 8/1 146.6 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/31 Total weight lost: Just for fun: What is one thing you have been wanting to do when you have lost enough weight? I want to get a portrait made.
  • 30 year old mom of 7 month old. 5'6" cw 143. Please feel free to add me
  • It depends on why you are taking them. There is nothing like getting pregnant to ruin your weightloss ;-)! In all seriousness, I've found that BC doesn't really have any effect on my weightloss. What it does do, is keep my hormones from fluctuating like crazy. I've had better luck with steady dose BC like nuva ring than…
  • Do you cross train? When I first started running a lot, I would get all kinds of strange pains in that area. After a lot of searching, I finally decided that it was because my leg muscles were stronger than my gluts. I started cross-training and doing exercises that strengthened the other areas of my body. As my muscles…
  • Congratulations! I bet you'll soon find you love running. Your body can do far more than your mind thinks it can.
  • Your weight is going to fluctuate from day to day depending on how much fluid you took in the day before and how much of it your body has decided to hang on to. My best advice, if you feel the need to weigh yourself everyday is do it at the same time every morning before you eat and look at that information in a line…
    in Help! Comment by EJCURRY January 2012
  • It really depends on your body type. I've never worn a size 14, but I am 5'6" and I weighed 160 after having my baby, and I was wearing a size 8 or 10. I wore a size 0 or size 2 at 125. I currently weigh around 150, but I'm still in a size 8. I can zip up a size 6, but I don't feel comfortable in it. I've always had narrow…
  • GW: 130-125 CW: 152 SW: 158 Height: 5'6" Sex: Female Age: 30 Please feel free to add me.