
Hi All, I am new to this site (haven't even posted my picture yet) and have been monitoring my food and exercise for a week. I am very discouraged today as I stepped on the scale and have gained from my weight yesterday--this is so frustrating!! All I want to do now is eat (which I know will compound the problem). Feel a major binge coming on....any thoughts out there?


  • Richellebeatle
    Richellebeatle Posts: 42 Member
    Do not weigh yourself every day!!! Or if you do only note your weight on her once a week. Once a week should be good enough. Wight will fluctuate. As long as you keep taking the steps in the right direction you will see a change. Sometimes it won’t be in weight but in inches but IT WILL come. Just keep your eyes on your goal and off the scale. You can do it. It will not be easy but it can be done. Just stick with your plan.
    Looking forward to you posting another forum about your new improved body I surly know you will achieve! Good Luck!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Agree with the above poster - women's weight can flucuate so much day to day. Pick a day and a time and step on (the same scale preferably) once a week. Stay within your calorie intake, drink water, cut down on processed foods and eat back your exercise calories to start with anyway just to see how your body reacts.

    Good luck!
    EJCURRY Posts: 9 Member
    Your weight is going to fluctuate from day to day depending on how much fluid you took in the day before and how much of it your body has decided to hang on to. My best advice, if you feel the need to weigh yourself everyday is do it at the same time every morning before you eat and look at that information in a line graph. Over time, if you stick to your plan, you are going to see that line moving down. You may have a slight increase or a big decease one day only to see it go back up the next day. That's not weight loss. It's water. Weight loss is going to come over time. I know it's frustrating, but keep up the good work!
  • I agree with previous posters, also, if you unlock your food diary I would be able to see what's going on.
  • You should definetly only be weighing in once a week, it takes 4 weeks for you to notice any real changes in your body. I find weighing in on Monday morning the best becasue it makes me accountable for what I eat on the weekends, which is harder for me! Its easy to be on a meal plan mon-fri at work. Keep it up, it will come off, taks time and patience.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ahh, that damn scale. It's a curse (and a blessing.) You want SOOOOOOOO much to see those numbers go down, and you want them to do go down RIGHT AWAY......but they don't.

    So, don't let that be your excuse to slip up. Put the stupid thing away. Really! Weight yourself once........and then put it in a closet. For a month. Don't even TOUCH it. Trust me on this.

    And then...........log your food. Try to reach your daily goal. Walk or move or do whatever you do for exercise, and LOG that. Eat back the calories you're given. And have faith.

    THIS DOES WORK! I've been doing just what I've said for about 6 months. I am not a fiend about exercise, and I'm still losing weight. It shows. Sometimes that damn scale plays tricks on me, and then I put it away again....................because it's NOT the number on the scale, it's the way you feel, the way your clothes start getting looser and looser, the way people say "wow, you look different, you losing weight?"

    Now, stop feeling sorry for yourself, put down that bag of chips :wink: :wink: , and carry on!