chubbybunnee Member


  • It will definitely go down. I had two large back fat rolls. I started at 225 and got down to 203 and they were still there. I was worried about the same thing. I then ramped upped my routine and got down to 193, and the rolls were completely gone. My love handles went down a ton with the last 10 pounds. You will get there…
  • ^^^^^^^^^^^This happened to me too except that it was my unlce who put his hand on my stomach and asked if I was expecting...................He is an OBGYN!!!!! It really hurt my feelings but I needed to hear it. I got too comfortable being overweight. I worked my butt of and lost over 43 pounds :) However, fast forward…
  • Have you had yourself tested for food allergies? A lot of people with fibro also have food intolerances which can trigger flare ups and make you tired. I used to drink milk or eat cheese almost every day and then found out I was allergic to it. Once I kicked it out of my diet, I started to have more energy and felt better.…
  • Oh yeah. I've got fibromyalgia, eosinophilic esophagitis, gerd and gastritis, degenerative disc and joint disease, knee caps that slide off track, a fusion and multiple herniated discs and spinal stenosis, IBS, Thyroid goiters and allergies to milk and gluten as well as some spices and peppers. It makes it very difficult…
  • I was an 18W and I got down to a 9 :) When I was in 14's people were complimenting me and in 12's I felt content, but the weight kept coming off with exercise and I never dreamed I would ever get to a 9! It felt amazing trying on that first pair of pants, as well as the process of having to keep returning jeans every month…
  • I tried to post pics but I can't figure it out. I tried every link on photo bucket but none of them work.
  • What are you talking about? Juicing your fruits and veggies and drinking them is the ultimate way to absorb nutrients. You get more nutrients by juicing than eating them whole and you get more of the benefits from their enzymes which you denature when you cook them. Have you ever seen Fat Sick and Nearly Dead?
  • When you juice them, you absorb the nutrients quicker, not to mention you can get a larger portion of veggies when juicing them as opposed to having to eat them solid. You can get an entire plate of veggies in a glass whereas you would be full before eating them all in their entirety.
  • Thanks for the tip! I wish there was a like button! I have a sears only a mile away! I will check them out and try them out in the store. I definitely need to find out which one is the quietest. That is my main concern as I have a room mate the sleeps in the room next to where the treadmill will be.
  • I can relate. I had a fusion and started afterwards with PT and steroid injections. Honestly, the injections do more long term harm than good. The steroids speed along degeneration of your bone and it;'s not worth the weeks of relief you get from them, not to mention fluctuating hormones and increased appetite. Depending…
  • I used to feel the same way and then I found out that I have some vitamin deficiencies. Potassium (K), Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. Now I take supplements and do weekly injections and it has helped me so much. I also take a pre-workout booster and it keeps me energized for hours even after my workout :)
  • When I was losing weight, the BMI chart said I should be around 140 for my height, but you can see in my photos that I got to 171 lbs and had abs forming, was toned, was running, and felt amazing. I told myself that I would be happy with a size 12, but ended up getting to a 9 just naturally from working out and eating…
  • Hi :) I have back problems also. Cervical Herniations, L4/L5 Herniation and Fusion in L5/S1. I get Radio Ablation done form my L2-S3 every 6 months. I can tell you from personal experience that with my personal injuries, and starting at 228lbs, a lot of my weight loss was sticking to a deficit and cardio. However, I…
  • Yep...what they said! The only time I ever increased calories to break through a plateau was when I increased my exercise burn and needed them. If you don't exercise, then I don't believe in eating more to lose weight. Unless you are being unhealthy and eating less than 1200 calories a day, I wouldn't increase it. Follow…
  • I don't know if many of us aim for a thigh gap as much as we just want our thighs to stop rubbing together when we walk or run. lol. I was running on the treadmill the other day and thought I heard people clapping for was just my inner thighs slapping together. (Read this on a joke site and it made me laugh so…
  • Thanks for the advice :) Do you recomend any particular protein powder or shakes? I used to have one from a nnaturalist but it expired and there are so many out there. How do I figure out which one is best for me? Do they differ or are they all basically the same ingredients?
  • I feel your pain! I'm having silimar issues. I know there's tons that I can eat to get to my calorie goal...but I'm just not hungry and feel sick when I eat too much.
  • Hi. I am sorry for the trouble you are going through. I have chronic back pain and had a fusion performed a few years ago. I have had steroid injections, nerve blocks. and radio ablation performed to reduce the pain but it never goes away. I also had knee surgery because my knee caps kept coming out of place when I bent my…
  • I think 30 Day Shred is a good beginner one. I haven't tried Insanity but have heard from many people that it is tough. 30 Day Shred works great and you can level up when it gets easy for you. Have you looked into that one yet?
  • I didn't read any of the other soon as I saw your topic I had to get on here to answer! MAURICES! If there is a Maurices in your area, check it out! They have TONS of jeans in plus size and smaller sizes. The best part is that they have different fits for curvy girls, and different brands. They even have Silver…
  • So TRUE! I was working out and eating healthy and went from 225lbs to 171lbs using MFP as my guide. My friends wife was on the Hcg diet. She was bragging about how she had lost 14lbs of baby weight in a month on it and all she had to do was only eat 500 calories, drink an exorbitant amount of water, etc....I laughed at her…
  • That's awesome! What a great story to share and you look great! Good job!
  • Do you like Almond Milk? Soy milk? Those are good low cal alternatives to sugary drinks and are way better than pop or soda. There is also low calorie minute maid and orange juice, but those probably have the artificial sweetener like you were saying about flavored water. It all comes down to just having to deal with…
  • You can exercise, just avoid the Jacuzzi or pool. You are more vulnerable to infection and the Jacuzzi is the worst place you can put your belly! At least that's what I was told when I got mine pierced. They said avoid it for 3 months!
  • It's a bitter sweet feeling when losing weight! You go through clothes so fast that you love your new body but miss your favorite pants and tees and they get bigger and bigger on you! Good luck with your weight loss! :D
  • So as an update, I wanted everyone to know what happened in the past year. My then husband, now ex started following me everywhere, started hiding money and lying to me, so I asked for a divorce. He moved out of state to live with his family and within a week, had a new girlfriend who had two kids. We are still going…
  • Congrats on your weight loss!!!!!