goldfinger88 Member


  • I am 72 and I would "never" call myself elderly. I hate that word. Perhaps others use it when I am not listening. But, that's their issue in as much as they too someday, if they live long enough, will be our age. It is more than realistic for you to get fit and fabulous right now. Start where you are. I can outdo people…
  • As long as you eat junk food like chips and take out, you'll gain weight. You need to clean up your diet and eat real foods. Yes, you can lose weight on Twinkies if you eat so many a day and no more. But nothing is less healthy. I'm guessing you're getting a ton of calories from all the bread and chips and junk food. It…
  • I'm 72 and lost 24 pounds, which was my goal. I'm not really a calorie counter, however. I did the calorie thing for perhaps the first year. I've maintained for the last three years. Feel free to add me if you'd like to be friends.
  • I don't know if you're a man or a woman. But for either, 1200 is not nearly enough and 3800 sounds way too high. I do not count calories myself. But in general, you need to consider your height and the bodyfat you want to get to and your build (small, med or large frame) and your age. Then decide for yourself using some…
  • Something in transportation
  • Diabetes is a horrible disease and not to be played with. One out of three people get pre-diabetes and 70% get diabetes. It can kill you and it can give you horrible health problems as you age. You have to own your own health now. You can't use everything that happens as an excuse to feed yourself poison. It's very hard to…
  • I think at it's most basic, we all have the same fears. Fear of illness and death, of losing someone or something we love. Of course some people fear heights, and bugs, mice, cats, dogs and anything else you can name. But the basic fears - those we all have. And yes, I agree with the person who said to die alone. That is…
  • That could mean anything. But I understand that 40% of your macros gives you a relatively low carb intake while giving you the good carb nutrients you need. I eat about 150 gr of carbs per day, or 40%. That is not real low carb but low enough for me. Lower than average. I love eating that way and have lost a lot of weight.…
  • I understand just how you feel. I felt like that too a couple years ago. There are "many" things you can do to get the BP down. For one thing, coconut water is good for you and has lots of potassium and other necessary electrolytes. But, do not be fearful of raisins. I eat them daily. The sugar in them is natural, not…
  • Most women (not all) need in the neighborhood of 1500 calories. Then just don't even consider the exercise calories. They don't burn all that much anyway. I don't even count calories as I think it's stupid. But if you do, you need to eat lots of good food, especially fat and protein. If you do not eat enough, you'll lose…
  • The two cleanest brands I've found are About Time and BlueBonnet. Most protein powder has artificial sweeteners and other crap in it. Some even has arsenic and other metals.
  • Strength training is not about "getting ripped." I know it is to a minority but if you do not do some form of resistance training, you will lose 10% of your muscle mass per decade and then it will speed up and you'll be a fragile old woman who can break her hip with a sneeze. You don't have to become a bodybuilder. Get…
  • The most accurate way to record your weight and know what you really weigh is to weigh daily at the same time of day. Then, average that weekly. In fact, I use an app called Happy Scales that does just that for me. Another app, Tactio also does it. Your weight fluctuates daily -- sometimes a pound or more. It depends on…
  • I just cut down on carbs. No way I'll cut them out. If you go too low, you get into ketosis and that may or may not be where you want to go. I average 50 to 80 grams of carbs on most days. That's relatively low but not considered "low carb." But, everyone is different.
  • You may need to eat more and exercise less. Get the book, The Calorie Myth. When people restrict calories (a very old fashioned, non-workable thing to do) this often happens. People need food. Good high quality fats and proteins that fill them up. And they need short bursts of exercise a couple times a week. When you cut…
  • That's really "very" normal. And if you're still menstruating, it's extremely normal. Don't be concerned. What you might do is weigh daily and at the end of the 7 days, average out and that will be your true weight. You're at a very good weight and there are many, many things that cause weight gain. It's not fat. In fact,…
  • Even the experts disagree on this but I think "most" agree that at least once a week is good. Even that could be mere fluctuation but if you wait a month, you might be gaining weight when you could be taking action. Daily is a bit obsessive and is not really a gain or a loss. But even more importantly, measure yourself…
  • The more you exercise, the hungrier you get, the more you eat. Infrequent, short intensive exercise is the best in losing weight and getting fit.
  • The traditional Med diet is 40/40/20
  • I have that problem too and I honestly don't know what, if anything, you can do about it. Of course, when you're young, the skin is more elastic and can rebound easier. There are no exercises for the skin. You might want to do a web search or ask you doctor. Though I don't think doctors know much about these things.
  • You know, this person said she has newly dx'd diabetes. I don't think a smart crack about eating ice cream is in especially good taste.
  • If you eat low carb, you do not need to count calories. Nor should you. You should eat when you are hungry. Eat lots of meat and fat and you won't be hungry. Of course, if your doctor gave you a specific way to eat, you need to follow that. But you should not allow yourself to get hungry as your sugar could get too low and…
  • Skimmed milk has lots of added sugar and is not healthy. I suggest you drink grass fed, whole milk instead. And, have bacon and eggs for breakfast, not carb rich cereal. If you eat the right foods, you don't need to count calories because you'll eat the right amount automatically.
  • You are way too high in carbs. You should be at a 40/40/20 ratio or thereabouts. And unless there's some reason why you're dairy free, you need whole fat from milk and dairy products. Only a tiny fraction of the population has a need to go gluten free.
  • It's not as simple as calories in, calories out. Moreover, exercise of any kinds burns a tiny amount of calories. To burn off one pound you'd have to run 39 miles at one time. Exercise keeps fat off. It does not take it off. Not to any big degree. Weight loss is in the diet and the types of food you eat. Not all your…
  • Smuckers Natural is excellent. No GMO in it, no sugar, a bit of salt. Also, there are some good organic brands. Make sure you buy a butter with only peanuts and, if you like, some salt. Nothing else.