

  • Morning is the best time, about the same time every day, or at least once per week, after your toilet routine. Daily fluctuations can reflect water retention.
  • A very Happy Father's Day to you, Ed! And thank you for serving our country! You made the world a better place for me. Thank you. Please enjoy your day with your children and wife! May I share a little story with you? I used to work for the US Army Physical Fitness School which was started at Fort Benjamin Harrison,…
  • Good Post! Yes to Wii Fit! I went nuts when I saw Wii Fit the first time because I knew it would really be useful and help a lot of people with smart activities to help them achieve wellness. I didn't read all the replies to this post, but I doubt there is a negative response among these. The only draw back to purchasing…
  • To help us put things in perspective, I believe it's ok to incorporate any food or beverage in a healthy lifestyle, I don't believe diets are the way to go, and it's more important to learn the facts about food and activity and to use those facts to our advantage to achieve wellness. When it comes to achieving and…
  • :drinker: Here's to you! Cheering you on with a cold glass of skim milk!